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Kids get bad grades, and big daddy takes care of dat sheet

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    He's got it on lock, mmmmk?

  2. #2
    Howd up da repowt papah tyrone show dem computer folk how much of a nigga you is.

    But dad I study and all day sheeit

  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^sheeeit foowl and tot my dadda awasa coksucker, nig, , derpadew!

    I like all teh theatrics in teees vids mah nig. gotta getta haycut sun

    No, but seriously I fucked up a few times when I was living with my parents in highschool, and my dad get crazy and take the door off my bedroom and give me a chemistry book and take errr thing out of my room, and would randomly walk in and start yell at me to wake up, he was all about the sleep deprivation torture. He even didn't during xmas break.

    The only reason why I graduated highschool was because he would go into the school and tell the principal he was going to sue them. DERPADEW! but it worked.. kinda..
  4. #4
    Semiazas African Astronaut
    This is old, right? It's a funny video, but it show at least some niggers are trying make sure their kids aren't thugs.
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I don't know if its old. Just saw it on youtube some how this morning. But yeah, a lot of the comments say that its child abuse and it leads to kids committing suicide.. I dunno..

    anyways, this just happened yesterday here in austin.. crazy right? he's not even black they say. but a thug is a thug i guess. thats pretty hardcore for a 12 year old. They say his parents are going down, downtown

  6. #6
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    No, but seriously I fucked up a few times when I was living with my parents in highschool, and my dad get crazy and take the door off my bedroom and give me a chemistry book and take errr thing out of my room, and would randomly walk in and start yell at me to wake up, he was all about the sleep deprivation torture. He even didn't during xmas break.

    The only reason why I graduated highschool was because he would go into the school and tell the principal he was going to sue them. DERPADEW! but it worked.. kinda..

    Extra extra, Bill Krozby wouldn't have graduated high school if his daddy hadn't threatened to sue the school! Even more evidence that he's a retard (as if we needed it)!
  7. #7
    Semiazas African Astronaut
    Careful, Bill Krozby. Malice is going to file this away. It's to be label, "Trivial info that Bill Krozby produced on his own, from years ago." He's then going to jerk off, with both hands, smugly content that he is better than me.
  8. #8
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    How is being too stupid to graduate high school in America trivial? Well, I guess that after the cognitive effects of your stroke this wouldn't be a non-trivial accomplishment for you as well.
  9. #9
    Semiazas African Astronaut
    Because he actually DID graduate. And he was ambition, in some direction, do something with that. What are you passionate about except working your upper body for absolutely no reason, and trying different drugs to make you not an such of an outcast? Also, Dr Malice, I'm curious what symptoms you have observed that would make you declare that I still have residual effects from my stoke?

    Btw, I do suffer from said effects, you should really feel embarrassed that I've been kicking your ass up and down this board anytime you try and tale shit about someone else's life.
  10. #10
    You haven't tho. You sound mad and angry and trying to rise above it but failing.

    But on topic - that second lil nigga. Give him a briefcase and send him to work
  11. #11
    >chemistry book.

    Which one?.
  12. #12
    Semiazas African Astronaut
    Did I hurt your loser buddy's feeling? Read through your partner's attempted attacks at me and see how many !'s he uses. You'll forgive me don't have much creedance from someone who hated me and talked shit about, well before I was doing stupid shit and dangerous shit because I'm social, attractive and a good person. I've already stated what kind of misanthropic pit of despair you are, so I won't waste anymore time speaking to you. Go on home to the trt thread to your only "friends" you'll ever have.

    I'll bet that was an angry and mad post too, huh?
  13. #13
    my dad get crazy and take the door off my bedroom and give me a chemistry book

    Which one?.

    This is my plan when I become a dad I will kick down their door and throw this book that them and say GET A LIFE AND MAKE SOME MONEY.

  14. #14
    Did I hurt your loser buddy's feeling? Read through your partner's attempted attacks at me and see how many !'s he uses. You'll forgive me don't have much creedance from someone who hated me and talked shit about, well before I was doing stupid shit and dangerous shit because I'm social, attractive and a good person. I've already stated what kind of misanthropic pit of despair you are, so I won't waste anymore time speaking to you. Go on home to the trt thread to your only "friends" you'll ever have.

    I'll bet that was an angry and mad post too, huh?

    No you just sound lost and your words are to try to convince yourself more than anything. Malice is just having a laugh, you have no sense of humour and are supr srs
  15. #15
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Semi, read through the threads were I've annihilated you. You were the one who started it! The thread had nothing to do with me, or you, but you went out of your way to attack me, I simply retaliated.

    Unlike you, I actually don't hold constant ill will towards you and will behave this way when you're asking it for, and it's always done in jest, for my own amusement (I'm usually chuckling/giggling to myself while writing it and when I bring it to mind or reread it afterward.), or when apt. On the other hand you're genuinely hateful and vitriolic. Your toxicity is so pervasive that's it's manifest, unequivocal, even in your casual writings online, I can only imagine what a destructive force you've been to the people around you throughout your life.
  16. #16
    I'm starting to feel sorry and pity for Semi. He's obviously lonely and sad and has to try to prove to himself and others he's anything but. Just admit it Semi, it's ok, it's not your fault.
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