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being persecuted against marijauna usage

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I have had water thrown in my face while asleep and I've been sent to alternative schools, I've been a victim of prohibition , I've been sent thru drug classes all because of a plant that i have smoked since i was 15. things need to change. I want the change here in america. we do we can and we want.

    If marijuana should be banned then so should derpadews! I belive in a time in time when men where men and we had han and were scholarly genteleman.

    im a true patriot. let freedom ring!
  2. #2
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Shut the fuck up you cuckboi.You haven't experienced SHIT as it relates to your stupid weed addiction. Let me lay out my life for you mo,FAGGOT, and then talk about your whimpy whimper cringelife.

    1- age 18 - sent to youth correctional center which can hold you until 21.
    2- spent 6 months there (shortest time ever there based on records and my compliancy
    3- got out of that place went back home started burglarizing and smoking meth
    4- got in trouble for burglary
    5- on probation did more burglary and got caught
    6- back on probation
    7- sent to halfway house lived there for 6 months working at cringe restaurant
    8- fulfilled halfway sentence moved into an apt with a cringe boy
    9- got drunk and high every night
    10- failed UA
    11- sent to jail
    12- had to decide between 3 years in prison or TEEN CHALLENGE (google it faggots)
    13- chose TC
    14- spent 15 months in a chirstian treatment program
    15- got done, became intern in that same program
    16- lived in facility, left and got DUI
    17- allowed back, got another DUI
    18- went back to my home town and did more stupid shit
    19- running from law, warrant out for me
    20- shit catches up to me, makes plea deal
    21- goes to prison
    22- after 2 months in prison gets released to 'transitional center'
    23- spends 3 months there
    24 - has friend smuggle in vodka, gets so fucked up I smoke cigs inside the facility as well as fall down the stairs
    25- gets taken to the jail
    26- finishes out sentence in Rugby, ND
    27- gets out and moves to Florida
    28- kills self

    That is the cringe version. I left out A LOT of details. Point is

  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^oh shit, be got a wild lil homo here! you need cool your shit!
  4. #4
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [greentext]>being persecuted against marijauna usage[/greentext]

    English faggot, do you speak it?

    [greentext]> I've been a victim of prohibition[/greentext]

    Yeah you're a fucking victim alright.
  5. #5
    we do we can and we want.

    If you say "yes we can" into an audio editing program and reverse it, it will sound like "thank you Satan"
  6. #6
    Move to Washington lol.
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