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Weird shit that's stayed with you.

  1. #1
    When I was like, 12 years old and on neopets, I was browswing through the forums and saw a chick's username was "You Are Special".

    It made me feel loved, because it was love by a stranger, even though it meant nothing, was just her username, and not directly to me at all.

    But I always look back on that and nod.
  2. #2
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    That time I watched my grandma burn to death in front of me- her screams, the agonizing look on her face as we stared at each other, the way she struggled to escape the restraints, barely detecting her shouts of 'WHY? WHY?' through the licks of flame reaching across her face, the way she coughed as the smoke engulfed her nostrils and throat, the seeming weightlessness of the nearly still half full gas can in my hand, the heat of the door as I finally closed it shut and scurried off into the night.

    I always look back on that and nod.
  3. #3
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Spice incident. Cant talk about it, I know this is a waste of a post but thats how bad it was.

    A dream I had on april 4th (knew date cause was getting my scripts) before bed I took a seroquel because I was stressed out n shit, tossed and turned but finally slept and holy shit I felt the worst fucking pain. In one dream, I was an alien and a camera crew followed me around live on tv, another the stairs collapsed and I got a huge piece of something stuck through my gut, and another disturbing one where I had a stroke and I was on a wheelchair going into my middle school.

    I keep having dreams about middle school, wtf. I used to always have dreams about hs since I dropped out and missed out on so much life but now.. middle school? is my mind telling me to relax and not stress so much, like a kid would do??? JEJWretwsg
  4. #4
    My molestation in the tunnel slide!
  5. #5
    When I was like, 12 years old and on neopets, I was browswing through the forums

    What a coincidence, when I was 12 years old I pretended to be a girl on neopets to get free stuff on the forums.
  6. #6
    Duke Zion Tuskegee Airman
    That time I watched my grandma burn to death in front of me- her screams, the agonizing look on her face as we stared at each other, the way she struggled to escape the restraints, barely detecting her shouts of 'WHY? WHY?' through the licks of flame reaching across her face, the way she coughed as the smoke engulfed her nostrils and throat, the seeming weightlessness of the nearly still half full gas can in my hand, the heat of the door as I finally closed it shut and scurried off into the night.

    I always look back on that and nod.
  7. #7
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Watching the corpse of my horse rot for three days, coincidently I had just been reading about Gilgimesh for my english class... probably most traumatic and heartbreaking thing ever for me atleast. I was also in WDs from dilaudid at the time as Well which made it that much harder..
  8. #8
    Sneaking into my sister's room and rubbing her cherokee underwear on my face while I stroked my giant eleven year old totem pole.
  9. #9
    This shitty ass community.
  10. #10
    'Ed rush Yung Blood
    Many of JFLC aka Struwwelpeters threads.
  11. #11
    4 topping 14inch pizza for 9.99 fuck youuuuu!!!!!
  12. #12
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Define weird.
  13. #13
    "I wish for a giant sinkhole to emerge and swallow the entirety of the middle east" - Piles Of Crack
  14. #14
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Define weird.

    anything that you think is weird...

    thats like someone asking you what have you done fun recently, and they are like "define fun" herpa derpp... its just a question geeez... talking to you sometimes is like pulling teeth..

    But anyways, when I was 17 I went to smoke some weed in my gf's back yard and I had two very distinct memories that I had repressed from my childhood. I was molested by an older boy at school when I was 5 years old while taking a piss, I went in and dropped my pants down all the way to my ankles to pee back then lol, and he came in he was a 5th grader so he was like ten or eleven, and groped my sweet lil ass. I didn't know what to do. I didn't nessecarily feel bad about it like I was raped or molested because I didn't know what that even meant back then. I mentioned it to my parents, I have no idea how I even articulated that to them... but anyways, my parents went to the principal an found the lil prick and brought him to the office and his parents were there and he started crying like a lil bitch, I kind of felt weird seeing something like that. I had no idea what was going on.

    later that same year I went to the rodeo for a school field trip and had to use the bathroom (kinda weird that they let a 5 year old that was just molested go to the bathroom unsupervised) and I took a piss, but I couldn't zip up my zipper it was stuck so I asked this cowboy guy if he could help me, and he did , he zipped me up and helped me wash my hands. And that was that.
  15. #15
    AFJ Houston
    Define weird.
    I know what you mean.... Clearly some people do not...
  16. #16
    AFJ Houston
    its just a question geeez… talking to you sometimes is like pulling teeth..

    ...He's asking if OP means like learned behaviors? ...Or just odd things about ourselves?
  17. #17
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^I don't know is he?

    its open to interpretation.. just go with it.. obviously op hasn't given him an answer (because its a stupid thread on a stupid forum), and he hasn't answered the question except with a question. mega fail on his part and yours.

    Are you a functional retard?
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