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Nuclear power plants and NIMBY fags

  1. #1
    Got my fucking goat when I just wanna toss the damn goat in the cooling tower to see if she mutates... Bitchin about OH COAL AND FRACKING AND OIL AND GASOLINE okay so what's your solution?? WINDMILLS AND HYDROELECTRIC AND SOLAR AND GEOTHERMAL.. Thanks for killing half the world's bird population with your gay mirrors and spinning blades of death for an unreliable lame ass half works still need to be on the grid because its night time and not windy YUP SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT POWER SOURCE.. Hydroelectric requires 1000 acres to be raped and geothermal just works for cheap heat not POWER HUNGRY INDUSTRIALISTS.

    Nukes just make sense. Its easy and cheap to set up and operate and you don't even have to do it on earth. Build a nuclear power plant space station and a few thousand microwave power stations with giant array dish collectors and you can power the world with an artificial sun... Hell s bells even set that bitch up on the moon I'm pretty sure zero G does wonders for nuclear reactions.

    And birds love sattelite dishes because they don't kill them all
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