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anyone ever been to the doctors on drugs?

  1. #1
    once i was 18 and in the midst of a 2 week OC 80 binge and my mom made me go to the doctors because i looked like a zombie skin was raw and the doctor said i had scabies which was total bs lol.

    then a few months ago i plugged a fat dose of 4f-mph one morning and forgot i had to go to the doctors later that day for some followup bullshit. they took my blood pressure and shit and the guy was like "whoa, did you have a lot of caffiene this morning?" so i said yea and im hungover too and he just laughed.
  2. #2
    i got 27 stitches out while tripping on bundy, beeedrill and high on weed. It was really freaky because I could feel every little poke and prod and it felt like the nurses arm was part of my leg. I became one with the hospital and checked out all their fancy gear hooked up to the walls.

    She also left one in so I had to pull it out a week later.

    On that trip I realized I wanted to learn basic medicine in case someone gets shot the fuck up I can save their life or something.
  3. #3
    ZipCoon Yung Blood
    How do you NOT take drugs going to the Dr.? A 3hr wait to get your balls fondled and a finger up the ass? You best be tripping on something!
  4. #4
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    most of the time. back when focalin used to give me facial tremors, the doctors were always like... ....... ....... ...... ....... are you ok retard boy?
  5. #5
    Loads of time. Been to the psychiatrist on drugs even. He didnt suspect a thing. Or maybe I was too on drugs for me to perceive him suspecting. Either way The answer is yes.
  6. #6
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'm going to create that TV show: Doctors On Drugs
  7. #7
    bling bling Dark Matter
    yh cuz i swiped a pad of persciption forms u clit
  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Yeah a couple summers ago , I blacked out while doing ghb and meth and woke up with a catheter up my dick. It was terrible.

    And when I was into scamming dr's for scripts I would show up really high.

    And one time when "muffins" sent me some jwh, i smoked some and ate a bunch of tramadol and had a seizure, woke up with them giving me more drugs. it was crazy. Hospitals and drugs tend to go hand and hand.
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