Originally posted by Malice
mal, is this song an accurate representation of Bill Krozby?
Absofuckinlutely. However, not so much my experience so much as his gf and family. He thought he was getting broken up with twice because she “can’t do this anymore.” Sounds like the cost is worth more than the gain for her. That’s what I think when women say that.
Originally posted by A College Professor
shutup dumbass just get out of my threads
Only once you explain how this is your thread when you didn’t start it? I can’t believe you’re such a lap dog that you have to defend the rapist even when he’s not here. Pitiful.
stupid noob
VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
They are both rapists. To be fair though, there are different kinds of rapists. Ya got your pathetic loser rapists who beg for sex and then just kind of take it, and then you have rapists like me. They say rape is a crime of power. Not when these fags do it. When I rape its angry and violent and hot as fuck and the bitch still cums. When these homos rape both the rapist and the rape victim cry afterwards.
Originally posted by stupid noob
They are both rapists. To be fair though, there are different kinds of rapists. Ya got your pathetic loser rapists who beg for sex and then just kind of take it, and then you have rapists like me. They say rape is a crime of power. Not when these fags do it. When I rape its angry and violent and hot as fuck and the bitch still cums. When these homos rape both the rapist and the rape victim cry afterwards.
Nah man i almost never cry. The last time i cried was over a year ago and it was just because i was drunk and had a dream about my lil brother dying