2016-08-24 at 3:44 AM UTC
I guess I'm on a roll. Haven't felt the creative juices flowing this much in a very long time- I'm pretty critical of myself, but my last lone fuck was lost a long time ago, hence me continuing to post this garbage.
Black and blue, green then grey,
in the end we cease to play.
They tell us all to seize the day,
but really now, tell me, friend,
are life's passions all pretend?
A ticket here, a signing there,
obligation's wicked stare.
They tell me much of hopes come true,
but where's it at, what does it do?
Black and blue, green then grey,
predatory lies forge our way.
Hope in wisps, and neon webs,
So, say it, friend, and tell me true,
what does this life mean to you?
2016-08-24 at 3:49 AM UTC
Why didn't you just continue in your previous thread m8?
*are life's passions
*obligation's wicked stare
*hopes come true
2016-08-24 at 3:55 AM UTC
I don't know. I go massive blips of time not posting at all, and before now never really made many threads to begin with... so get off my ass ;) Also, thank you, I'll make those corrections.
2016-08-24 at 4:02 AM UTC
I know I have a horrible habit of adding shit after I posted like two seconds ago... my brain is fried and off in 100 directions, but Mq, you're a really good at arranging words and telling stories in a way that captures the reader. When I see you've posted in a thread I am really interested in seeing what you contributed and most the time it's very entertaining. Have you ever thought to apply that skill to more than just captivating shit posts?
2016-08-24 at 4:05 AM UTC
I also like to use "shitty" when I think something is "good". It makes me seem modest if I get the attention I want, or if it actually is shitty, nobody is surprised. That is a poetic device that I deeply appreciate your use of. The plot twist of it actually being shitty was an unexpected turn.
2016-08-24 at 4:09 AM UTC
I understand. You did just make that thread fucking... yesterday I think, which is why I cared to ask in the first place, I mean shit it's still fresh in MY mind. I guess it really doesn't matter huh? No stickied threads anymore or certain ones that get continued other than trt i suppose. Anyway, thanks for sharing your cringe poetry. I've never really been a fan of reading poetry, for the most part, but I enjoy typing nonsense poetry on occasion, and I appreciate others who share their writings. No matter what you write, you're revealing something about yourself, intentionally or not. That's probably why I prefer reading over listening.
2016-08-24 at 7:27 AM UTC
I recommend learning some basic ABC functionality. You have AAABB, AABB, AABCC and while each line is cheesy goodness in its own right, well, I sure as fuck wouldn't ask for seconds.