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does becoming jedi make a person rich?

  1. #1
    how they do it?
  2. #2
    just like you said.

    They pray, but you need to convert first.

    Oh and you need to snip your dick.
  3. #3
    stab a friend in the back
  4. #4
    No but becoming rich makes a person jedi
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    I assume you're not talking about the Mizrahi jedis
  6. #6
    Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by roglahonz blaj how they do it?

    Three ways:
    1) jedi morality is extremely materialistic and doesn't really emphasise anything besides the here and now. As a result jedis aren't distracted by notions of honour or an afterlife or anything like that, for them virtue comes from earthly success.

    2) jedis have a slightly higher than average IQ. However as the jedi Ron Unz has pointed out this does not account for their success or their massive overrepresentation in the media, in academia, in banking, in politics, or their economic success. (

    3) Social networks and ethnic nepotism. jedis go to temple together, social events together, and actually do meet around tables in skyscrapers in order to plot to advance their agenda and help out each other. For instance Mark Zuckerberg came from a rich jedi family and was funded by jedis, and was introduced to most of his executives via jedi networks (like Cheryl Sandberg). No goy (or atomised jedi) could have done what Zuckerberg did so quickly.
  7. #7
    Its all about sticking together and helping each other. Its something that comes along with being a group of immigrants all over the world.
  8. #8
    the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    you could just try to be nepotistic and subversive for a while before converting
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