I just realized prostitution is legal here. All I need to do is network. Search the internet and the strip clubs to make contacts with the best prostitutes, and then I can fuck them whenever I want. Become friends with them, get cheaper deals, etc. Who knows, maybe even get a freebie every now and then.
Make more money, make more bank, be able to afford more prostitutes more often. I'll never be lonely again.
Originally posted by Fox Paws
Suprised you didn’t think of this sooner.
How often will you rotate? Once a week, biweekly, etc?
I have to find some first. I'm afraid of craigslist etc, what if it's somebody trying to rob me? Plus I'm not sure where I can fuck them, since I live with my mom. I'd prefer to meet a prostitute in person first and get to know her, talk about where we can fuck, etc.