the realwho do you think will come out as the
new way (btw the Urgandan knuckles meme was probably an illuminati psyop to subliminally incept the phrase "the new way"/"show me the way" in the minds of the masses)
it won't be the greasy hooked nosed kikes
it won't be the US of Illuminati
it won't be the chinks
it won't be the niggers in afrailica
it won't be the curly haired kikes in silicon valley
it won't be any of those things
i think we may very well be headed for another dark ages and tbh it's what's best for humanity
the human psyche is so flawed
think of how fucked the boomers and "greatest generation" were
how fucked your childhood was because of them
people still fall for religious superstition
think of how awful and shallow video games actually are
how all that talent and artistry went to waste thanks to capitalism
think of how music and media have been tainted and used to enslave and brainwash us
most of you deserve to die
nature has decided and come up with the final determination
the new dark age shall begin