Well actually I was just honest about how awesome I am and she started sending me pictures of her tits.
She is gross and lives in a trailer in the south.
Talks like a southerner.
Always whining about how her mom treats her bad.
Wants me to come take her away. That is not going to happen.
The other day she called me telling me Vin Diesel has been talking to her mom.
^she is that dumb
Constantly bitching about how her boyfriend wont fuck her and how they sleep in a twin bed together and he has put cardboard between them.
Girl is retarded and tells me she cant go work because she has an ear infection and need surgery.
I am pretty sure she has only a few teeth left.
She refers to me as a god.
She does as I say. Except she wont leave me alone.
I call her stupid and hideous but she wont quit calling the fona-fone.
Anyways I posted her here in case any of you would like to take her off my hands.
I will not be fona-fucking her.
Not even if this bitch would have 1 leg I would not bang.
Gross fucking cow.