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I think I have opened a can of worms

  1. #1
    Ok for real now

    I'm sitting here practically sick to my stomach and faint
    But I realize that I'm just a paranoid person in general and things can easily set me off but holy shit
    I was just at a park and I met this man who said he suffered brain damage but knew over 69 languages or something (he would occasionally spout things out in Russian) and then he got to talking about being part of the military and how he was jedi and subjected to the holocaust.
    Now, retard to retard I told him that I was a recluse with very little formal education and that at that moment I was high and a little drunk so with that out of the way I asked him about mk ultra and if I'm a government subject.
    It doesn't help that as I left I think I heard him yell out "Patzee!" (isn't that a person who is being used by the government without their knowing?)

    The whole experience really freaked me the hell out and rubbed me off really wrong, add the heat and the smell of their cigarettes and I was about ready to vomit.


    If this place is legit a government operation to distract me or whatever, just come out and say it.
    If you people want me to work for you, then send someone less threatening and clean and sane.

    the guy had Chinese characters on his neck, which honestly fuck everybody back then wanted to have kanji and stuff as their tat yeah, but I asked him about maybe my grandfather being an agent since I'm part Chinese, since my dad never had any presence in my life I figured he was a government agent or something.
    Sometimes I wonder if maybe though secretly I'm a Chinese spy and their just waiting for me to activate then act out whatever they want but tbh the closest I have ever been to an Asian person is at the restaurants and I only spoke to my dad like twice and it was at a starbucks ;_;


    Lanny, once I get the internet back please goddamnit invite me to animebytes it's the least you can do for me after everything I've been through.
    I'm freaking out here thinking I'm being hounded by the government.
  2. #2
    Sounds like someone needs a good whipping.

    Are you ready for yours?

    Starts at 0:55
  3. #3
    No real answers?
    Are you afraid posting in my thread will put you on a list?
  4. #4
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Lanny, once I get the internet back please goddamnit invite me to animebytes it's the least you can do for me after everything I've been through.
    I'm freaking out here thinking I'm being hounded by the government.

    so you're saying lanny owes you because you're mental? would that be right?

  5. #5
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    This place is legit a government operation to distract you or whatever.
  6. #6
    mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Lanny, once I get the internet back please goddamnit invite me to animebytes it's the least you can do for me after everything I've been through.

  7. #7
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    so lanny caused your mental breakdown? is that what you're saying?

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