For hundreds of years woman has had 1 purpose "to wo-man"
Men find women stupid, annoying and much less deserving than a pet dog.
As a dog is loyal and obedient, a woman is nagging and (in most cases) fat.
So to fuck with the women men decided long ago it would be funny to make their lives difficult and at the same time trick them into putting out more.
So long ago our man ancestors created fashion to trick dumb bitches into wearing stupid shit that was uncomfortable as fuck but was really funny to watch them try to take off if it was to catch fire (they would just burn to death in their clothes).
The corset crushed their lungs (so they could not fight or run) and their dresses consisted of many parts often weighed down with steel (to slow them down).
Men told them it made women look lady-like and in all honesty they looked like wasps which is what their sting of bitchness feels like on our hearts.
Then we give them make up made out of poison and decorate their houses with more poison. This was just funny.
Well not being able to breath and inhaling poison all day made them feel ill so we came up with "fainting" (yes, like the goats do).
(and arsenic was used in make up and wall paper)
So now all the women start to hysterically faint and think its cute and lady like to see a full grown woman looking like a wasp falling over when a rat runs through the kitchen (most likely the rat was there as it was the only animal that would put up with their cooking).
After enough women were fainting daily men came up with the "cure"
Cure = pelvic massages, finger-banging and sex
This backfired though as women (they are so needy) began to faint more and more and men's hands were so cramped that arthritis was born.
So we made the vibrator and dildos to make the job easier.
Unfortunately women are nasty whores and have continued to stick dick like objects and things that go buzz into their orifices all the way to present day.
Women are so dumb and stupid they continue to wear the most fucked up things and pay high-dollar in the name of fashion, thinking they will look beautiful.
They continue to buy and wear make-up that we make from animals and test on other animals.
They wear fur coats because they think they look good in them and in reality it all started because a man once said he would rather go to bed with a grizzly bear than a vile woman.
Women are stupid cunts who will not die even though we have been trying to murder them ever since the OG bitch broke the one and only rule (at that time) and ate and apple (and she did this after talking to a snake).
Women are so fucking dumb.
I would like to take this chance to thank all the women out there reading this for causing the extinction of animals, getting us banished from the Garden of Eden, heart disease, suicides, the plague, and all the problems that my man Enter struggles with everyday.