So I was looking to see if any of them posted new videos and Amy had one titled "Passed Out In Walmart(on camera)" I will cut straight to the "passing out" part.
Basically she lays on the floor and puts her feet up and then tells her dog to lay on her and she claims that she pasted out. I really do not think this girl is sick at all. She just wants attention. And if you look on her facebook Amy Benak there is no mention of her disabilities or any photos of her with all her medical equipment she claims she can not leave the house without.
This shit pisses me off. She fakes a disability and then cries all the time about how her doctor's tell her she is dying and people send her stuff. She has 2 gofund me type accounts and has claimed they stole her money from one and that is why she made another. This being said I would really like to play with her butt. She has a really cute intro to her videos. Intro (with the whole video) but just pay attention to the really cute intro:
Does anyone have any tips on how I might go about talking to this girl? She is really cute.
I just check on the quadriplegic hottie. And she is lying to me too! I started by just watching sexy videos of her like this one
So has it all been lies? This whole time? I understand the need for a wheelchair if she sort of sucks at walking but she obviously could at least try a little more and not just use her little injury to get a huge endorsement from the wheelchair company and then get free wheelchairs for life. She just sits all high and mighty in Chicago smoking pot and raking in the cash. This is bullshit. Does anyone know how I can maybe go about opening up communication with her and possibly getting laid?