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Who is the worst person you've ever met?

  1. #1
    Not family, or childhood bullies. I don't want any sad sack stories about how your father abused you, or how some kid kept beating you up, because that'd be too easy. Let's just do... starting from your adult life, who's the worst person you've ever met?

    There was this complete FAGGOT I meant once, who was just rude and shallow and fuck, even though he didn't deserve to be. Like he thought he was god's gift to women but all he did was fuck degenerate, ugly junkie whores. And he thought he was instagram famous, always taking selfies and shit, but he got around 5 likes per photo.

    Anyway, once I was going bowling with my friends, but I stopped off at the shops first to buy something (forgot what). Then I saw him standing in line at a sushi place, so I figured I'd be inclusive and invite him to go bowling with us. :)

    So he was at the front of the line and was looking in the windows to see what kind of sushi he'd get. I walked up to him, and said, "Hey! Luke!" and he didn't even look at me -- he just held his palm up in front of my face and said, "Sshhhh!"

    Then he said to the lady behind the counter, "I'd like a salmon and chicken etc etc".

    Then when he was done ordering, he turned to me and said, "What's up?" like he didn't just fucking treat me like a fucking woman.

    COMPLETE fucking jerk.

    You know, I just realized the worst person I've ever met wasn't even a woman. THAT'S how much of a prick this guy was.
  2. #2
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    OP has no skin
  3. #3
    Worst in what way?

    Ive known people who were selfish, people who were low agency, and people who were so dumb they were basically animals.

    The people who stand out to me are the people who involve themselves in your business, just to tell you how your ideas won't work. Lowest of the low, the anti-entrepreneur. Lost money and funding due to listening to those guys , never again.
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