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Plateau sigma SUCKS (sploo's bundy misadventures)

  1. #1
    It fucking SUCKS

    best bundy-hole stories, all in the last 2 weeks since ive been taking 1gram to 3grams of bundy a day

    1. some guy commented "check out my channel" on a youtube video of me smoking weed, I got convinced the guy in the video was me and that ashley's parents hired a russian to impersonate me as a clone so that once i got killed i could be replaced, and there were videos of the clone jumping off cliffs into the water so i thought that i would be thrown into a lake and then it would be on video as proof and then the guy would go home and replace me in my house, and that ashley was talking to herself through youtube accounts to construct a fake network of friends who jump off cliffs. i was convinced my internet went out because she killed herself or her family was about to kill me.

    1.5. this video:

    2. i said "i dont kill cats though" to some guy on facebook and i accidentally wrote it as k ill so I thought he would interpret it as K, I'll and then he told me to rap battle sandy and I said sandy right after I said k i'll so i made the association between "k i'll" instead of "kill" and ashley saying "hanged at" instead of "hanged out", and then the word "sandy", and a picture she drew of sandy, and sandy hook, then my internet went out because my dad didn't pay the bills, and when it went back on, a facebook page i like called "highest IQ" changed its name to "Evangelous Katasoilous", so i got convinced he was manipulating my subconscious into saying "K I'll" because he must be an animal rights activist, and i watched a video he posted in greek and since it was "highest IQ" i was convinced he was talking to himself with his friends in a language he made out of triangles and some analogy with a triangle in it in the video in a speech bubble was a form of correlating the creation of thoughts with the positions and colors of triangles.

    2.5 this song i told some guy to "let it seep through his veins"

    3. i walked down the street and screamed at some lady "PLATEAU SIGMA FUCKING SUCKS BITCH" and she walked into the store, and i walked in after her and bought a cigarette, and there were two mexican guys in there that were like "you good?"


    "you sure?"


    then they followed me out of the store to jump me and i was like

    "you good"


    "you sure?"




    the guy looked like he was about to kill me but also loling internally but then i walked back into the store so i didnt die
  2. #2
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I love platue sigma personally, I once went to a melvins concert several years ago while on heroin and plateu sigma, this guy put a beer can on his head and started dancing around, tapped some skin heads on the back and they beat the shit out of him, he finnally got up, looked at me and raised his finger up into the air, and said "eeeifauck" and fell back down, it was ridiculous, that memory has obviously stuck with me for years.

    and by the way that was some top tier tarding out on the vocaroo files
  3. #3
    That song's chorus was stuck in my head for like 2 months in 7th grade. Also very descriptive of bundy.
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    what songs chorus?
  5. #5
    The one you just posted???
  6. #6
    I sent this to my friend with schizophrenia and he even says you're on point. 200 points for mention of ashley
  7. #7
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    I sent this to my friend with schizophrenia and he even says you're on point. 200 points for mention of ashley
    I got crabs like all the rest
  8. #8
    I got king crabs like deadliest catch. And your sister has the deadliest snatch
  9. #9
    Quality postings
  10. #10
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    MXE is platue sigma every and all times you tak it. The dose response curve is pretty steep on that one. Cmax in about 30 minutes if you snort it.
  11. #11
    MXE is platue sigma every and all times you tak it. The dose response curve is pretty steep on that one. Cmax in about 30 minutes if you snort it.

    Does MXE cause immediate Downs Syndrome like bundy does? I've started to like becoming mentally retarded for hours at a time. Or is it just "conspiracy drug" like bundy is before it gets metabolized to DXO.
  12. #12
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Does MXE cause immediate Downs Syndrome like bundy does? I've started to like becoming mentally retarded for hours at a time. Or is it just "conspiracy drug" like bundy is before it gets metabolized to DXO.

    No, it takes 20 minutes to set in for some reason. Then boom, you have no idea what the hell is going on, and the room is warped and shit, when i took it with my buddy who's name is Timothy, he was like: Dude... Am i even Timothy? Lel. It's a NMDA antagonist and DRI, and a pretty strong DRI at that, it goes amazingly well with cocaine. In fact the only time i really enjoy cocaine is when i take it with MXE, plus MXE, DRI effects cancel coke comedown.
  13. #13
    So it doesn't have the stomach wats and "I just pounded 100 beers" feel :(

    The best thing about bundy isn't even the high, it just gets you more "fucked up" than practically anything.

    If it doesn't give you teh catatonias can you really say you were high as fuck?

    And by adjusting the dose and time you take the dose, it acts as like five different drugs.

    You have psychedelic ritalin at plat 1, MDA + beer at plat 2, nitrous + a 24 pack at plat 3, a coma at plat 4, and MXE conspiracy psychosis at sigma.
  14. #14
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So it doesn't have the stomach wats and "I just pounded 100 beers" feel :(

    The best thing about bundy isn't even the high, it just gets you more "fucked up" than practically anything.

    If it doesn't give you teh catatonias can you really say you were high as fuck?

    And by adjusting the dose and time you take the dose, it acts as like four different drugs.

    You have psychedelic ritalin at plat 1, MDA + beer at plat 2, nitrous + a 24 pack at plat 3, a coma at plat 4, and MXE conspiracy psychosis at sigma.

    Well, try it before you write it off. I'll send you a couple hundred mg next time i'll get some.
  15. #15
    Well, try it before you write it off. I'll send you a couple hundred mg next time i'll get some.


    I need a P.O. box already.
  16. #16

    I need a P.O. box already.

    Order it to your house you pussy
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