2018-03-16 at 3:17 AM UTC
Goddamnit I wish the NS would have won
to experience true unaltered jediry free authentic GERMAN culture
2018-03-16 at 3:18 AM UTC
German men were so beautiful back in the NS days ;_;
2018-03-16 at 3:19 AM UTC
Pussy faggot nigger sons of whores handing their homeland over to the sandniggers with open arms
you deserve your extinction
know who will inherit your legacy
hikikomori eurasian drug addicted internet dwellers like myself
that is wht you will have to live with for the rest of eternity
you take your home back from the jedis
2018-03-16 at 3:22 AM UTC
This is now a Deustchland appreciation thread
2018-03-16 at 3:26 AM UTC
>Colorado Spring Water
>Authentic German beer
Pick one.
2018-03-16 at 3:46 AM UTC
annnoo----- (XO______________OX) it tastes amazing at least a-and i-it's g-g-German style! y-you b-baka!
2018-03-16 at 3:47 AM UTC
the taste kind of reminds me of that wetback biru tecate