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Runescape is a hell of a drug.

  1. #1
    Had an Xbox before I pawned it for spice. I had Tomb Raider, Diablo III, Fable, Assassins Creed, and Splinter Cell.

    Runescape >>>>> WoW >>>>> Guild Wars 2 >>>>> LOTRO

    Check me out...I'm fuckin' buff, and it's free, though I pay 10$ a month for membership, which is well worth it BTW.

    The only other computer game that requires any thought at all is Starcraft/LittleWarGame

    If any of you guys play RS, or want to start playing, add me on your friends list and I'll give you cash or help you train.

    If a bunch of people from NIGS sign up for RS, we can kill players as a team and make mad $$$

    Gameplay examples (not my pics):

    Dungeon raiding

    Player killing

    Pest Control

    My username is
    Q Fumarate


    add me

  2. #2
    Warcraft 3 is better
  3. #3
    Warcraft 3 is better

    Played that in Turkey, it was alright. I liked the lo-fi, dark, millitaristic theme of Starcraft better. The game was less casual and more stressful.
  4. #4
    Shameless bump the tv show
  5. #5
    REAL NIGGAS PLAY 4CHAN POMF /VG/ server SS13 hardest game ever made BITXH
  6. #6
    EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Sploo let's play runescape.
  7. #7
    I just realized the time most people spend on the internet playing computer games I spend on the internet studying troop movements of geopolitical conflicts. I might just be a spectator of games but muh niggas play 4 keepz
  8. #8
    I can't do much PC gaming in my homeless shack and its raining right now so fuck any attempt at laptops ( wait for the sun to come up and get lunch somewhere with WiFi is how I laptop) I'm pretty sure my 3DS has more processing power than my 4gb Acer notebook from 2009. Super smash bros 3DS with DLC content I've literally had 1 game for my 3DS since I started smoking meth and its still replayable as fuck. Smash Run never gets old

  9. #9
    Sploo let's play runescape.

    What's your username?
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