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Captain Falcon is the awkward and pathetic faggot of this community

  1. #21
    That's why I don't order RCs from China. My meth comes like 2-3 states away. Local mail doesn't get checked it just flies through machines unlike international parcels
  2. #22
    You never posted an answer. I'm stoned and that fiveish video is the weirdest thing I've ever seen on account of all the effort that went into it for little to no payoff. Youtube says there are at least 9 similar videos by the same people and I don't understand the appeal. Fuck hugging a five I'd rather hug a hippie bitch with big tits on a pile of money I don't have to worry about her stealing because she's a hippie who has no concept of the tangible quality of money. That's what jedis should aspire to instead of fucking other jedis
    You don't need to give an answer to change what it would have been.
  3. #23
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    and they wonder why nobody likes them

    Jesus christ, fuck the fucking kikes.
  4. #24
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Jesus christ, fuck the fucking kikes.

    lol yeah like the palestenians are any better.
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