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ugly people sexually abuse kid and dog

  1. #1

    A California couple accused of sexually abusing their 5-year-old son may have performed sexual acts on their dogs too, police revealed Wednesday.

    Roy Ling, 35, and Sara Wilson, 32, were arrested last Thursday, nearly five years after police began their investigation into reports of sexual abuse of their son, Victorville Police Department said.

    The boy first told police he was sexually abused by his biological parents in August 2013. He was taken into child and family services and an investigation was launched.

    Ling and Wilson were allegedly “transients in the high desert” and not taken into custody. Police also did not provide details about the alleged abuse.

    Police said the search for Ling and Wilson continued to March 2014, but authorities couldn’t locate them.

    The pair were eventually found in December 2017 in a Victorville riverbed. Investigators said they uncovered details that the couple may have performed sexual acts on their dogs.

    The couple was arrested and charged with lewd and lascivious acts with a child. Their bail was set at $200,000 each.
  2. #2
    reminds me of lsd's mugshot if he did meth for like 4 years straight tbh
  3. #3
    Originally posted by greenplastic reminds me of lsd's mugshot if he did meth for like 4 years straight tbh

    I have done meth daily for the last 4 years. Up until about 5-6 months ago.

    I'll bet you that meth doesn't actually fuck up your appearance. At least... not in the long term. You look fucked up while you're high... but

    yeah, I'm fairly good looking these days.
  4. #4
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]

    *turns “transients in the high desert” into new favorite meme*
  5. #5
    faces of meth
  6. #6
    Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Originally posted by Internet-Weed-Dude I have done meth daily

    This isn't how you get me to like you
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Daily This isn't how you get me to like you

    This is.
  8. #8
    RestStop Space Nigga
    They look like they got rejected off the set of Wrong Turn and to pile meth on top of that didn't do them any favors.
  9. #9
    blackbird Tuskegee Airman
    tfw your wandering through the desert and you stumble upon a child/dog/homeless person orgy.
  10. #10
    FSOB Yung Blood
    Reading through here about all of you doing meth and being child fuckers and then to hear you make snide remarks rather than usual What The Hell? shows you're all a bunch of sick degenerate drug users.

    Every one of you should do society a favor and fall into a deep amazonian well.
  11. #11
    Originally posted by FSOB Reading through here about all of you doing meth and being child fuckers and then to hear you make snide remarks rather than usual What The Hell? shows you're all a bunch of sick degenerate drug users.

    Every one of you should do society a favor and fall into a deep amazonian well.

    get lost normie
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