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Microcephaly and Agrochemicals featuring Monsanto and Zika

  1. #1
    (picture is from snopes)

    I used to sell Monsanto products for a living along with GMO seeds so I am officially unbiased. However, all of this information was found page 1 when I googled "Agent Orange microcephaly".

    Monsanto released a statement on their blog clarifying that they have no link to the larvacide "[FONT=Roboto-Regular][SIZE=14px]pyriproxyfen".

    They do however manufacture pesticides and herbicides which I think cause cancer and other genome damage (birth defects, autism). Just look at agent orange and what the children that had that dumped on them look like. Also yes I know 2,4D doesn't cause birth defects and it was proven that it was actually a chemical impurity in the Agent Orange mixture that caused this phenomena but who says it can't happen again?.[/SIZE][/FONT],3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin
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