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Tokerface ruined Patrick Bateman

  1. #1
    He was such a gigantic tryhard cuck faggot, he ruined a really cool character just by association. It's not him alone, in general the character has been ruined by faggy edgy kids trying to be cool by associating and identifying with him. But Tokerface was the one who ruined it for me. Fuck, he hasn't been around in years but I still detest that dumb nigger. I was about to change my avatar to a funny picture of PB but Tokerface popped into my head and I got put off it. I might still do it but for now I've been repulsed. Really hope that cockfag killed himself.
  2. #2
    I associate Patrick Bateman with 4chan.

    In a way he's a role model for a young male who doesn't want to be either a cuck or a superhero.

    I watched interviews with the gay-ass writer of American Psychological and the butch lesbian looking Director, and they seem like such idiots. Its genuinely amazing that these pond scum made a film that doesn't suck.
  3. #3
    Funny, I was just thinking about that faggot.

    He was the WORST user in all of totse history. The faggot literally stole my jokes and used them to flirt with female members. Fucking carlos mencia, pathetic beta piece of shit.

    He tried to pretend my bullying him didn't get to him, and then he made a huge thread practically begging me to stop, to just want to be friends, how he's sorry he stole my jokes etc. Of course the pussy deleted the thread as soon as I laughed at it.

    I could see through everything that retard posted. I genuinely, non-ironically hope he's dead.
  4. #4
    I was literally going to fight that faggot. I made him agree to the time and place publicly, and he did NOT turn up! AND THEN HAD THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO SAY I WASN'T THE ONE WHO TURNED UP. That fucking PUSSY faggot.

    I had never fought anyone in my life (at least seriously) but I was so confident I could have beaten the fuck out of him and was so filled with rage at that point in time that I genuinely wanted to smash his face in. And the fucking faggot was all talk and didn't show up.

    Fucking christ.
  5. #5
    RestStop Space Nigga
    All faggot nigger hating aside the book is way better than the movie.
  6. #6
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
  7. #7
    Check em.
  8. #8
    Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]
    I don't remember the guy but I automatically think less of anyone with a drug username. Every bratty edgelord wants to be like Patrick Bateman yet they're too stupid, pussy or ugly to remotely resemble whatever he does.
  9. #9
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
  10. #10
    Oh yeah and he claimed to be a bodybuilder, yet he'd come online and complain how his legs hurt so much from leg day, which as we all know only happens if you've just started working out, the fucking goddamn moron.
  11. #11
    Hahaha and he used to post pictures of some built, brown haired guy in various situations. claiming it was him. and he often got numerous thanks for copying and pasting some piece of dialogue as if he made it up. something about turning the taps on in people's houses and ''welcome to hell, population: you"

    and then enter made that comic. "CALM BLUE OCEAN!"


  12. #12
    Did tokerface have an avatar of patrick bateman? I thought tokerface had the avatar of that that 70s show character wearing the christmas hat. and then enter made a thread about how tokerface saw that picture on the internet. he liked it. and then made it his avatar.

    Fish is the one who had the patrick bateman avatar... ? Am I wrong?

    What about Mayweather? whoever is named ''mayweather'' on this site I'm strongly guessing is not mayweather. Which is pretty fucked up when you think about it. how lame is that. imitating a poster that impressed you and wanting people to think you're them for non comical reasons.

    Mayweather are you reading this? post something that will prove to me beyond reasonable doubt that you're the original. because you're not. and you can't.
  13. #13
    Fish originally had one, fake IWD. But Tomerfacr had one for years towards the end.
  14. #14
    Originally posted by Internet-Weed-Dude Hahaha and he used to post pictures of some built, brown haired guy in various situations. claiming it was him. and he often got numerous thanks for copying and pasting some piece of dialogue as if he made it up. something about turning the taps on in people's houses and ''welcome to hell, population: you"

    and then enter made that comic. "CALM BLUE OCEAN!"



    That was Zyzz, fam. The faggot even ruined Zyzz.
  15. #15
    NARCassist gollums fat coach

  16. #16
    Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    That dude is way too forgettable to dislike

    Wasn't he literally like 16
  17. #17
    Yeah. wasn't he only like 16 or 17?

    LOL what a gay fucking faggot.

    Honestly, it would be easier to dislike him if not for the fact that he's ... i dunno... forgettable? for a lack of a better way to describe what it is that he is/was?
  18. #18
    Gun Lover Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Daily That dude is way too forgettable to dislike

    That's a good way to put it.

    I always clumped him in with the likes of ChiChi for some reason. Probably because they're both V I C T I M S
  19. #19
    Originally posted by Internet-Weed-Dude Yeah. wasn't he only like 16 or 17?

    LOL what a gay fucking faggot.

    Honestly, it would be easier to dislike him if not for the fact that he's … i dunno… forgettable? for a lack of a better way to describe what it is that he is/was?

    Daily just posted exactly that; you added nothing to it. You even thought you added your own thing by coming up with the word "forgettable".

    And it wasn't true, anyway. He was in his early 20's.

    You're such a weird, drugged-out, bipolar fucking faggot.
  20. #20
    Originally posted by Enter Daily just posted exactly that; you added nothing to it. You even thought you added your own thing by coming up with the word "forgettable".

    And it wasn't true, anyway. He was in his early 20's.

    You're such a weird, drugged-out, bipolar fucking faggot.

    Yeah, it's called a hyphen.

    LOL what a fucking retard. Hahaha
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