2018-02-13 at 2:02 AM UTC
Who the fuck is this user?
2018-02-13 at 2:18 AM UTC
Holy fuck your comprehensive skills are ultra shit-tier. Do you even know what site you're on? What year it is??
2018-02-13 at 3:03 AM UTC
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
Yeah, Enterooser. You've been told.
2018-02-13 at 1:46 PM UTC
I don't think he's ever been to college.
2018-02-13 at 1:51 PM UTC
victim of incest
[my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
Why, it's a college professor.
2018-02-13 at 1:53 PM UTC
weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
I went to community college and failed remedial algebra because I'm not so good with the numbers but I was great at psychology and english lit