2018-01-22 at 2:38 AM UTC
It will be the toddler sucess meme pic in advice animals
2018-01-22 at 3:02 AM UTC
What makes that a troll? I don't understand the shit at all. Just read the reddit advice animals rules and they seem terribly cringey. Then half the posts weren't even animals they were scumbag Steve and fucking happy internet kid or whatever.
Like what's Cake Day and why is there its own rule that you can't ever mention it? Or why can't you post opinion puffins?
2018-01-22 at 8:05 AM UTC
i was thinking of trolling reddit the other day by pretending to be the daddy that confess to having done unspeakable things with/to my daughter becos of the missile warnings and talking about murder/suicide shit.
but then i got too lazy to actually go about it.