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cucking a cat

  1. #21
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    ISIS is toch ook te extreem. Dat was het hele punt.

    Daesh is niet extreem joh, lijkt alleen maar zo. In de westen zijn er te veel mietjes dus als er iets gevaarlijks gebeurt, is het ineens extreem.
  2. #22
    Daesh is niet extreem joh, lijkt alleen maar zo. In de westen zijn er te veel mietjes dus als er iets gevaarlijks gebeurt, is het ineens extreem.

    So basically relatively isis is extreme. In the west its pretty fucking abnormal to behead people and that is behaviour we in the west would call extreme.
  3. #23
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    So basically relatively isis is extreme. In the west its pretty fucking abnormal to behead people and that is behaviour we in the west would call extreme.

    That's what I said. Western people are fucking pussies in general. They wouldn't dare to behead someone because they're too scared to do so. That's my point.
  4. #24
    That's what I said. Western people are fucking pussies in general. They wouldn't dare to behead someone because they're too scared to do so. That's my point.
    You get scared by creepypasta. I could ram both my hands down your throat and just rip your head apart. Facts.
  5. #25
    That's not even close to what that word means OP

    The phrase "Bill Krozby cucked a cat" literally means "Bill Krozby fucked a cat and made its spouse watch"
  6. #26
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    You get scared by creepypasta. I could ram both my hands down your throat and just rip your head apart. Facts.

    would that be gay though?
  7. #27
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Yes, that'd be very gay.

    And 180gr is right, Bill Krozby, according to this thread, is supposed to fuck a cat while its partner is watching.

    You get scared by creepypasta. I could ram both my hands down your throat and just rip your head apart. Facts.

    Creepypasta + imaginitive mind = scary ass shit. Try it out sometime. I try to visualize all that I read.
  8. #28
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That's what I said. Western people are fucking pussies in general. They wouldn't dare to behead someone because they're too scared to do so. That's my point.

    I bet you think all white people are racist as well. Also, if the west are pussies why do all you muslim faggots want to live here then?
  9. #29
    this thread is now about pussy

  10. #30
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    My dad raised birds. I actually have a 21 year old macaw I've owned since I was 6 and he was in pin feathers. Cats are evil. I really don't like cats. Guess in Sophie's world I get executed- meh, it's probably better that way.

    My dad raised birds too with my mom, but they all burned in the bastrop fire.

  11. #31
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Yes, that'd be very gay.

    And 180gr is right, Bill Krozby, according to this thread, is supposed to fuck a cat while its partner is watching.

    Creepypasta + imaginitive mind = scary ass shit. Try it out sometime. I try to visualize all that I read.

    Don't even try to talk to riser about creepy pasta, he's against any art form that vaguely reflects short horror stories.
  12. #32
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Don't even try to talk to riser about creepy pasta, he's against any art form that vaguely reflects short horror stories.


    Pick one.
  13. #33
    would that be gay though?
    Only when the sound of his lower jaw snapping and the cracks of his neck give me hard on. Which it probably would but hey, I'm not the dude who ends up in Muslim hell because he died during a homosexual act so let's go.
  14. #34
    Creepypasta + imaginitive mind = scary ass shit. Try it out sometime. I try to visualize all that I read.
    I have but badly written, drawn out stories about spooky N64 cartridges and Spongebob episodes don't really scare me, bruh.
  15. #35
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^theres different subjects than that you derpadew. pay to cherry pic the worst ones. that's like saying uhhh I don't like horror movies bcause dey made one about killer klowns in space, herp durp!
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