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Takin' a shit while looking at women.

  1. #1
    When I'm watchin' videos on my phone while sittin' on the toilet, it's always awkward for me when shit's coming out at the same time a hot woman is on the screen. Like, I don't have much respect for women anyway, but to have my shitting sensation combined with my arousal sensation... it's feels fuckin' dirty and wrong.
  2. #2
    Duke Zion Tuskegee Airman
    I always shit after I jerk off. Cumming really helps me shit
  3. #3
    After i've been in prison, I can proudly take a shit in front of anyone without giving a shit.
  4. #4
    AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
    I thought Arms is dead who the hell is this^^^ guy?
  5. #5
    Arms isn't actually dead lol, but that ain't the real arms.
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