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Deleted posts for: SPECTRAL!

  1. #1
    SPECTRAL! Yung Blood (banned) [your ruthlessly nibbed natrolite]
    Originally posted by D4NG0 You're an idiot.

    For one, I took the picture of your supposed PI down well before you made this thread; you can check the timestamp. I removed it as soon as you asked, and only briefly put it back up to screw with you. It came back down as soon as I was sure you had checked, because if it had really been your PI I didn't want to cause you harm bro.

    For another, it seems a little convenient I would happen to be going to your country next week, no? I've never been to the UK, and have no plans to go in the near future. Again, I was pulling your leg to get a reaction out of you.

    Last thing, you led me to believe your name was John Barrett for quite a while. I noticed it on your YouTube account, and told you to be more careful. Then your Facebook came up through something you posted on here and we had the same chat. I never published John Barret anywhere ("your PI") or even threatened to. The only bullshit I can think of is joking about running a background check on you, but we both know criminal records aren't public in the UK, so that was simple to see through.

    NARC, I like to push your buttons from time to time because you're so easy to get a reaction out of. From commenting about your hair, weight, posting style, etc. you get massively triggered, and I find that funny. I mean, lol, now there's a whole thread on your meltdown.

    I don't have anything against you, you actually seem pretty chill. But dude, calm the fuck down every once and a while.

    You're a TOTSE traitor of all TOTSE traitors you little snivelling punk! Taking it down means you put it up and only cowards and villains play the PI game.

    You all think you have my PI but it's a farce, a ruse, a trick and a trap. That's right I set you all up years ago! To see where your hearts stood.. and where did they stand? On a mountain of shit! You know what they say about houses built on sand..

    And look at you now! Still posting the PI to get the last laugh "bro" does that make you look cool "man" who exactly do you work for? FBI? Cia? NSA?! You fucking goons are all the same... Shaking our hands one minute and the next with the dagger in our spines.

    You're a coward Dargo. That's why you hide behind OTHER peoples PI.. well I'm putting you on notice PAL and I'm gonna find you and print posters, hand them out to all the members and alert the local police that you're an ISIS supporter. How does that feel you stupid little brat?.

    If you were in prison you would be the first to get raped for being a snitching TOTSE traitor and a cuck!

    Go suck a sock! Face the wrath of justice! I'm gonna expose you if it's the last thing I do!

  2. #2
    SPECTRAL! Yung Blood (banned) [your ruthlessly nibbed natrolite]
    Fighting Evil!
  3. #3
    SPECTRAL! Yung Blood (banned) [your ruthlessly nibbed natrolite]
    It's only gay if you squeeze the butt cheeks.
  4. #4
    SPECTRAL! Yung Blood (banned) [your ruthlessly nibbed natrolite]
    It was me! Hahaha.

    Just kidding.. black hat hackers are worse than crackers (freebase cocaine users)

    Spectral sez!
  5. #5
    SPECTRAL! Yung Blood (banned) [your ruthlessly nibbed natrolite]
    Originally posted by HappyRedBirdOfLife North Dakota? Alaska?????

    I like the sound of this, elaborate

    You're a bird you don't need money!
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