2017-12-28 at 10:58 AM UTC
Cryptocurrency will become the way people exchange goods and services in the future regardless of whether the JWO beast marks us or not.
I just hope the jwo is taken out before then.
Imagine having being fined automatically for every time you troll, make an offensive comment, stare at a handsome and well tanned individual the wrong way or come onto a woman without asking her for permission first.
2017-12-29 at 3:05 PM UTC
isn't PayPal crypto currancy? what makes Paypal any different than Bitcoin?
Oh.. that's right,It's backed on the American dollar. Bitcoin is it's own currency? what backs it. Trust. Just like the "American Fiat Petro Dollar"
2017-12-30 at 11:20 AM UTC
CIA/mossand instigating protests in Iran
Hopefully they find out the agents responsible and kill them off, then stablize the masses.
2017-12-31 at 8:11 AM UTC
Find out who leveled WTC 1 and 2 and a wall on the pentagon.
We can interrogate and waterboard Osama Bin Ladens Auntie