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CIA nigs fucking with my denwa

  1. #1
    Alright you niggers
    I am on to your tricks you aren't fooling me and it's not entertaining, just amateurish and boring

    The CIA, NSA or whoever has been monitoring my phone and when I have made audio logs they'll fuck with the audio and inject 4chan memes or just random jibberish to try and gaslight me
    I would appreciate it if you would all drink cyanide and die to death, onegai arigatou.

    No I'm not schizophrenic, I asked other people to listen to my recordings and they noticed the same thing
    Look, calling out the deep state isn't a criminal offense and lots of people do so why signal me out?
    I'm pretty sure calling for the death of the president if they're a traitor is protected by one of the amendments.

    Daily reminder the gov' lets child murdering pedophiles on the loose but instead chooses to spend tax paying dollars and government time trolling internet people
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Alright you niggers
    I am on to your tricks you aren't fooling me and it's not entertaining, just amateurish and boring

    The CIA, NSA or whoever has been monitoring my phone and when I have made audio logs they'll fuck with the audio and inject 4chan memes or just random jibberish to try and gaslight me
    I would appreciate it if you would all drink cyanide and die to death, onegai arigatou.

    No I'm not schizophrenic, I asked other people to listen to my recordings and they noticed the same thing
    Look, calling out the deep state isn't a criminal offense and lots of people do so why signal me out?
    I'm pretty sure calling for the death of the president if they're a traitor is protected by one of the amendments.

    Daily reminder the gov' lets child murdering pedophiles on the loose but instead chooses to spend tax paying dollars and government time trolling internet people

  3. #3

    Amplified the part with the CIA nigger audio clip

    of course it does, don't fool yourself

    this is proof Trump is a kike shill, because if he really was draining "the swamp" those kikes would be so busy running for refuge they wouldn't have the time or will to spend shekels trolling random internet people like me
    I'm betting it's the mossand teenage jedis and their computer-lab tier terminals spending their spare time stalking me, what a shame, so much for "making america great again".
    your hard earned money is being spent on terrorism against your own people, being payed by you and conducted by teenage kikes in israhell with sideburns longer than ten nigger dicks.
  4. #4
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby 0/10

    I am 100% not trolling
    either this is the cia niggers/mossand trolling me or my phone just "happens" to sometimes glitch out and inject 4chan memes into my audio recordings
  5. #5
    No really I'm being serious
    If this was just a matter of my phone glitching out then it would have cut out between the recording or made feedback noises
    I never said desu before in my recordings so 100% this is mossand or somebody trolling me

    cut it out
  6. #6
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^I love you but you're a ree ree
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby ^I love you but you're a ree ree

    Explain how I'm recording myself talking about shopping malls or bitching about the people I'm living with and suddenly voices are in my recording?
  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Explain how I'm recording myself talking about shopping malls or bitching about the people I'm living with and suddenly voices are in my recording?

    please die?
  9. #9
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  10. #10
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I can't give a constructive answer so I'm just gonna be a retard

    It's like when truthseeksers are ushered into the wards despite knowing all too well what is going on, but no one will listen.
  11. #11
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^will you still please die?
  12. #12
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby ^will you still please die?

    Why do you protect the cabal?
    You realize they don't give two shits about you either
    Did you even listen to my recording, I have other evidence but I don't want to post atm I'm watching camping videos
    I'm not even trolling despite the manner I'm going about in this thread, there is literally audio of CIA niggers trolling me in my audio logs
    here is the whole thign with the desu part edited out

    CIA, please fuck off
    I was visited by them at this one hotel, and they even used to park outside my grandparents house at night in the front just like serial experiments lain
    idk why you all chose me of all the billions, I realize I am very handsome and charming but come on I never asked for this
    Do I do something major in the future and you're all just watching me just in case?
  13. #13
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Do I do something major in the future and you're all just watching me just in case?

    your uncle gives you herpes
  14. #14
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    what the fuck is a 'denwa' anyway
  15. #15
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by aldra what the fuck is a 'denwa' anyway

    I eat ur mom errr night fly boi!

  16. #16
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    I would BUY an audio book with hikkie narrating it, just saying.
  17. #17
    Something bad happens.

    Personally the president's fault automatically

    Both sides do this. Why?
  18. #18
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume

    PM me picts of you in a dress
  19. #19
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 Something bad happens.

    Personally the president's fault automatically

    Both sides do this. Why?

  20. #20
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Hahaha... this is a good one.
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