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The Mystery of Charlton

  1. #21
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 There is report that in China, they found Human flesh in the Meat being sold to the Chinese McDonalds.

    Nothing to do with Chinese. It's probably some discusting meat distributor in China who figured they could buy dead corpse from the morgue and throw in parts and mix it with the meat.

    An independent study found that by taking a core sample from a guys leg (of flesh) they analized the odor which taste is 80 percent from odor showed Human would taste like a mix of Beef and Lamb. so few people would notice if this is a factual story. it starts there, and they figure "why waste it" there are a lot of mouths to feed.

    but like feeding, crushed up cow bones and by products of cows to other cows as feeed.. this is what they believed caused the Mad Cow Disease. and in Africa, tribes that eat part of their dead as a religious ritual rather than cannibalism (as it was thought to be) suffered the same affects.

    This might be were the Zombie craze is believed to come from. and possibly the Spanish Flu broke out in 1918 because possibly starving soldier turned to cannibalism to survive out in the winter months.. mutating the flu virus

    Prove me wrong!

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #22
    Originally posted by NARCassist doesn't make sense. if you were a morgue worker and somebody wanted you to take the risk of supplying them with human corpses then you'd want way more for taking that risk than what the weight of that person was in the price of beef. therefore it would be cheaper to just buy beef to make the burgers.


    In western countries

    After the family visits they tell them the body is cremated. There is no fucking land to have funerals I'm told (unless people are upper class) everyone else is ashes.

    they could give them the ashes of a dog or cat leftovers they burn.

    the humans are striped of organs to be reused and cleaned out of all the innards and then frozen and as many people who die in China.. they could use human flesh as a filler. and then sell it to western countries.

    I don't want to offend Chinese.. because the average chinese would not involve themselves in this because it is fucked up and morbid.. It couldn't be done in the USA or the UK or most of Europe (except maybe an eastern european) . but countries that are over populated and don't bury people but rather cremate them surely this could happen?
  3. #23
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 In western countries

    After the family visits they tell them the body is cremated. There is no fucking land to have funerals I'm told (unless people are upper class) everyone else is ashes.

    they could give them the ashes of a dog or cat leftovers they burn.

    the humans are striped of organs to be reused and cleaned out of all the innards and then frozen and as many people who die in China.. they could use human flesh as a filler. and then sell it to western countries.

    I don't want to offend Chinese.. because the average chinese would not involve themselves in this because it is fucked up and morbid.. It couldn't be done in the USA or the UK or most of Europe (except maybe an eastern european) . but countries that are over populated and don't bury people but rather cremate them surely this could happen?
    You're fat, with no shoulders, and have flabby pecs. Prove me wrong.
  4. #24
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You're fat, with no shoulders, and have flabby pecs. Prove me wrong.

    Why.. maybe it's true :(

    (It was then I learned I could no longer try and catapult into my youth. I felt rejected and felt the need to leave this place)
  5. #25
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Why.. maybe it's true :(

    (It was then I learned I could no longer try and catapult into my youth. I felt rejected and felt the need to leave this place)

  6. #26
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 In western countries

    After the family visits they tell them the body is cremated. There is no fucking land to have funerals I'm told (unless people are upper class) everyone else is ashes.

    they could give them the ashes of a dog or cat leftovers they burn.

    the humans are striped of organs to be reused and cleaned out of all the innards and then frozen and as many people who die in China.. they could use human flesh as a filler. and then sell it to western countries.

    I don't want to offend Chinese.. because the average chinese would not involve themselves in this because it is fucked up and morbid.. It couldn't be done in the USA or the UK or most of Europe (except maybe an eastern european) . but countries that are over populated and don't bury people but rather cremate them surely this could happen?

    i'm sure china would give you either the death penalty or a very long time in a really shitty prison for doing this. would you risk that for a couple of hundred dollars, if that?

  7. #27
    Originally posted by NARCassist i'm sure china would give you either the death penalty or a very long time in a really shitty prison for doing this. would you risk that for a couple of hundred dollars, if that?


    No system seems to exist without flaws and corruption.

    there is a string of organized people throughout all forms of business and agencies doing business.
  8. #28
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 In western countries

    After the family visits they tell them the body is cremated. There is no fucking land to have funerals I'm told (unless people are upper class) everyone else is ashes.

    they could give them the ashes of a dog or cat leftovers they burn.

    the humans are striped of organs to be reused and cleaned out of all the innards and then frozen and as many people who die in China.. they could use human flesh as a filler. and then sell it to western countries.

    I don't want to offend Chinese.. because the average chinese would not involve themselves in this because it is fucked up and morbid.. It couldn't be done in the USA or the UK or most of Europe (except maybe an eastern european) . but countries that are over populated and don't bury people but rather cremate them surely this could happen?

  9. #29
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Why.. maybe it's true :(

    (It was then I learned I could no longer try and catapult into my youth. I felt rejected and felt the need to leave this place)

  10. #30
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 No system seems to exist without flaws and corruption.

    there is a string of organized people throughout all forms of business and agencies doing business.

  11. #31
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 No system seems to exist without flaws and corruption.

    there is a string of organized people throughout all forms of business and agencies doing business.

    Do you at least understand what the fuck you type?
  12. #32
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Do you at least understand what the fuck you type?

    Why do you ask, PARKER? >:[
  13. #33
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Wrong

    It would be less annoying to me right now if you smeared shit all over face and ass and asked if you could sucked a tootsie roll from my butthole!

    fucking kill yourself you little cacaroach piece of shit.
  14. #34
    Stop feeding the troll
  15. #35
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 Stop feeding the troll

    but i want to pet them
  16. #36
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 No system seems to exist without flaws and corruption.

    there is a string of organized people throughout all forms of business and agencies doing business.

    you're completely missing the point you fucking retard so i'll spell it out simple like. what is a pound of burgers worth? retail its like what a couple of dollars, wholesale prolly closer half that at most, so 50 cents. what does the average person weigh? 150/200 pound. so as wholesale burgers a person is only worth 75 to 100 bucks. that's at the equivalent price the burger maker can go and just buy beef at without any risk what so ever. so to make substituting beef for people worth doing, he is going to want to be paying a lot less than 50 cents on the pound. prolly more like 25 cents on the pound, otherwise he might as well just go and buy the beef and save himself a whole load of shit. but then for the morgue guy, why would he want to take such a risk for prolly not even the chinese equivalent of 50 bucks? he's prolly charging ten times that just for the funeral/cremation.

    i think your logic is based on chinese people having lesser value than americans. but that might be true to americans in america. in china, chinese people are way more value to themselves. they'd be just as outraged at this sort of thing as americans would be.

    take your meds for fuck sake totse.

  17. #37
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 Stop feeding the troll

  18. #38
    Originally posted by NARCassist you're completely missing the point you fucking retard so i'll spell it out simple like. what is a pound of burgers worth? retail its like what a couple of dollars, wholesale prolly closer half that at most, so 50 cents. what does the average person weigh? 150/200 pound. so as wholesale burgers a person is only worth 75 to 100 bucks. that's at the equivalent price the burger maker can go and just buy beef at without any risk what so ever. so to make substituting beef for people worth doing, he is going to want to be paying a lot less than 50 cents on the pound. prolly more like 25 cents on the pound, otherwise he might as well just go and buy the beef and save himself a whole load of shit. but then for the morgue guy, why would he want to take such a risk for prolly not even the chinese equivalent of 50 bucks? he's prolly charging ten times that just for the funeral/cremation.

    i think your logic is based on chinese people having lesser value than americans. but that might be true to americans in america. in china, chinese people are way more value to themselves. they'd be just as outraged at this sort of thing as americans would be.

    take your meds for fuck sake totse.


    Also think about how much they save in having to cremate and dispose of the people.

    so they are able to reduce this and still make a small profit.. even if it's only a few pennys per pound.. it's more of a supplementing solving over straight profit. to rid the bodies cheaper and even get a small return for them

    Yes this is sick.. yet effective?
  19. #39
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Also think about how much they save in having to cremate and dispose of the people.

    so they are able to reduce this and still make a small profit.. even if it's only a few pennys per pound.. it's more of a supplementing solving over straight profit. to rid the bodies cheaper and even get a small return for them

    Yes this is sick.. yet effective?

    still a hell of a lot of jail time for little profit

  20. #40
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by NARCassist you're completely missing the point you fucking retard so i'll spell it out simple like. what is a pound of burgers worth? retail its like what a couple of dollars, wholesale prolly closer half that at most, so 50 cents. what does the average person weigh? 150/200 pound. so as wholesale burgers a person is only worth 75 to 100 bucks. that's at the equivalent price the burger maker can go and just buy beef at without any risk what so ever. so to make substituting beef for people worth doing, he is going to want to be paying a lot less than 50 cents on the pound. prolly more like 25 cents on the pound, otherwise he might as well just go and buy the beef and save himself a whole load of shit. but then for the morgue guy, why would he want to take such a risk for prolly not even the chinese equivalent of 50 bucks? he's prolly charging ten times that just for the funeral/cremation.

    i think your logic is based on chinese people having lesser value than americans. but that might be true to americans in america. in china, chinese people are way more value to themselves. they'd be just as outraged at this sort of thing as americans would be.

    take your meds for fuck sake totse.


    Lesson #59 :

    When countering trolls, if and when you used more words than it did, you lose.

    [page 66, The Benny Vader Doctrines]
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