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Sleep is for faggots.

  1. #1
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I've been up all night, doing nothing in particular. Might as well because sleep is for faggots, also, insomnia. IDK man, i ate all of my Temazepam now the doc won't fill my script for a while. GOTT DANG.

    Honestly i don't even have particularly bad insomnia, it's pretty mild. I just have fucked up sleep patterns. That's the most acute issue with regards to how much/how well i sleep.

    Anyway, binging on opiates then running out for a while doesn't help either. Low key w/d is shit, so i ate 75mg of loperamide. Which i shoplifted, because even though i can afford it. I ain't paying 30 bucks for a couple boxes of immodium, and i know generic off-brand stuff is probably fine as well but FUCK IT WE'LL DO IT LIVE.

    Also if you like viruses and shit check out my thread about it.

    Did you know, i spent literally 8 hours researching and writing that shit? True story. Praise me onii-chan and notice me senpai.

    Also, i am watching Blend S, which is a funny Slice of Life anime. Only thing i have an issue with so far is the trap. And he's not a cute trap like the one in Stein's Gate who legitimately seems to be a girl in a shota's body. It's the flamboyant gay kind of trap and i mean. I just can't stand that type of character. It's annoying, you know the classic "diva" kind of person? Well he's a little like that.

    You know those You Laugh You Lose memes? Well, they took the opening from Blend S. Memes recommended me this anime.

    It's funny as fuck though, you should watch it.

    Ok, that's it for now.
  2. #2
    You sound like you need some sleep.
  3. #3
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    I havent selpt either, just been smoking weed and sucking at dota 2
  4. #4
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 You sound like you need some sleep.

    Maybe i do. But i am hungry, and i can't very well sleep on an empty stomach. Also, i am too tired to make something to eat and too cheap to order something so i am kind of having a dilemma here you know?
  5. #5
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Nil I havent selpt either, just been smoking weed and sucking at dota 2

    Put this on repeat nigga. It improves the experience by 175%. This has been scientifically proven.

  6. #6
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    thats some expensive loperamide
  7. #7
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby thats some expensive loperamide

    God damn right it is. Which is why i stole it.
  8. #8
    Yeah tell me about it I have shift worker syndrome so I only sleep about 2-3 non sequential hours per day. It’s fucking awesome
  9. #9
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    why not just get drunk till you past out ???
  10. #10
    D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Sophie Maybe i do. But i am hungry, and i can't very well sleep on an empty stomach. Also, i am too tired to make something to eat and too cheap to order something so i am kind of having a dilemma here you know?

    Your bitch still won't cook? smh

    The least she could do is throw together a sandwich.
  11. #11
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
  12. #12
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Yeah tell me about it I have shift worker syndrome so I only sleep about 2-3 non sequential hours per day. It’s fucking awesome

    I wonder what causes this phenomena. Earlier I woke up after not sleeping an hour and felt great..but of course went back to sleep and now I feel less than wonderful.
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