2017-12-15 at 8:55 AM UTC
Not taking about personality. I'm talking bout wine drunk vs beer drunk and whatnot. What is your opinion on this? What is the best drunk to you?
2017-12-15 at 8:57 AM UTC
I prefer wine drunk. I feel it is more energetic and warm. I don't know. There is a distinct difference. Liquor for example is always very clear except you end up drinking lots. Beer is fuzzy. Is it in my head? Maybe. But i have repeated results with this.
I was always sloppy AF while drunk on beer which was pretty much my mind state for about a decade almost everyday. Whiskey is like I'm almost lit on stimulants but with an opiate like warmth through my body. I don't drink anymore though it's lost it's appeal.
2017-12-15 at 9:01 AM UTC
I don't usually drink but i have the last few days. Mostly liquor and beer. I realize now i much prefer wine.
2017-12-15 at 10:29 AM UTC
I prefer absinthe drunk woth clove sigaret
2017-12-27 at 4:51 AM UTC
There has been very little actual research done on the subject. Part of the problem is that there has been very little earnest research done on the subject.
Modernist pseudo-rationalist "scientists" will tell you that there is no difference at all between different drinks, and that all that matters is the amount of ethanol you intake. They are obviously wrong.
I'm pretty glad you're coming around to this.
In reality, as you no doubt have realised, what you are drinking matters enormously to where you wind up. Wine drunk vs beer drunk vs whiskey drunk vs brandy drunk vs whatever drunk, it all changes your mental state. As an extreme example absinthe/wormwood is perhaps the most fucked up thing you can drink.
Red wine is the best drink for you. Then Brandy. Both are sort of medicinal.
Whiskey will usually make you angry and pissed off. Whiskey is basically just pure alcohol (it starts off clear) aged in oak barrels. Oak is one of the most psychedelic trees out there, except it affects you in odd ways, in ways you wouldn't expect. It's a druidic tree, and one of the most ancient European drugs, but one that is very toxic. I don't think it has any positive effects, but makes people cranky as hell.
Jagermeister is heavily herbal, plus is saturated with sugar. Jagerbombs - meaning Jagermeister + Red Bull is a crazy thing to drink on a night out, and will utterly fuck you up.
Beer derives its unique effect largely from the hops which are added for "flavour". Hops is not just a flavour though - hops extract is available in health food shops as a sleep aid.
The best alcohol I have ever had was my own homemade blackberry wine. It was smooth, flavoursome, and made me feel healthy as hell.
2017-12-27 at 5:38 AM UTC
Two hats, proud guy, shelf and box, wood post, guy with wind vane, axe, curtsey