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What do you do for the holidays?

  1. #1
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I don't do shit. Buy what about you? What is it that you do?

    I actually like going out and driving slow.
  2. #2
    New Years Eve (my favorite holiday) - Get drunk and marathon music videos/amvs/game trailers on the projector then watch the ball drop in timesquare
    Fourth of July - Get high and listen to the fireworks coming from outside
    Halloween - Nothing but maybe in the future I'll get more into. Sometimes I try playing Silent Hill 3 and listen to industrial music in celebration.
    Kurisumasu eve - I used to visit my family and sit next to the fire while drinking but no longer and anymore I just get drunk or high and listen to christmas jingles and feel good about the fact that people are still celebrating it

    When I move to a legal state I'm going to turn 4/20 into a major holiday I'll decorate and come up with some seasonal music
    I want to invent my own holidays because the general ones don't interest me except for NYE and kurisumasu.
  3. #3
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    hand out seasons' beatings
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    i do something different every year, for xmas the last two years i went and saw star wars and went to thread gills for drinks, this year im going to go to fredrisckbrug a german town in tx to go hang w my gf and her grandma as her parents live in dc and she's not used to spending the holidays alone. Usually I've spent them alone or ive had someone to take me under their booze wing, but I desoded to buy my gf a pair of panties and bra and a neckhlace to take with us on the trip.
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