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The 2010s retrospective thread

  1. #1
    Post your happenings and thoughts of the 2010s ITT

    What have been your thoughts on the 2010s?

    The decade is almost over, just literally a couple years left now.
    Hard to believe we're almost 8 years into it, feels like 2010 stared just yesterday.
    I really didn't care for this decade at all, a mixture of the alcoholism and world events has lead me to dislike the 10s, not to mention how video games have seem to taken a major hit and smartphones absolutely ruined the internet .. putting the entire globe on the net has reduced it to being something of a walmart environment.
    Some positive changes were marijuana legalization, virtual reality, robotics and a.i. but overall this decade has felt shallow compared to the previous thirty.
    It lacks an aesthetic the 80s and 90s possessed and the feeling of awe the 00s had seems to have vaporized.

    below is a timeline of events from my fleshly perspective

    For me it started out much like the late 00s

    2010 - Drank a lot of beer, was living at my grandparents, nothing much happened just being a hikikommori

    Honestly I don't remember much of this year at all except for the NYE party (me, projector and lots of alcohol) and living at my ojiji and obaba's temporarily
    2011 - Shit started hitting the fan spiraling downwards into a psychotic haze of alcoholism and depression, the decade started taking on a bit of its own unique identity as far as the internet and media were concerned. Arab spring and Norway shootings happened. My spiritual homeland was attacked by the jedis which sent me further spiral downward into hopelessness. 2011 was the worst year of my entire life and earns the title of the downward spiral
    Steel Reserve was both my best tomodachi and worst. I actually really enjoy the putrid flavor. Lots of crying after watching Sigur Ros music videos and documentaries. Probably watched the Deus Ex human revolution trailer a million times.
    Discovered lots of awesome music through the independent scene online. Made a giant poster of Iwakura Lain. I was devastated when I had to tear it down since we were being evicted. But Lain is always with me in my heart (and plushie form) wherever I go.
    2012 - World didn't end. I moved to San Diego and got truly high for the first time off hash. Half-wetback counsins were major assholes and obnoxious as hell (must be part of the racial makeup). I didn't enjoy SoCal at all it was a total dump with so many handsome and well tanned individuals and high taxes (40oz Steel Reserve was like $3.40 in San Diego whereas $2 in Indiana). Moved back to my grandparents and stayed there for the next four years until they passed away
    2013 - this was the start of a very magical period of my life. Wake and bake with gravity bong on the daily, hang out in ojijixobaba's garage and smoke smoke smoke. This is the year I got into Yung Lean, or it was summer 2012 I can't remember. I think I met this one tranny on the net that became my best tomodachi until he totally turned on me (she's a psychotic drug addled mess who was abused at a young age). I was constantly in a marijuana induced state of euphoric stupor.

    This was an amazing year I also started a project called Dokupe actually that was in 2012 but the best release was in 2013
    I collaborated with my tranny friend and sought to take over the world of music with my new project, which hasn't come to fruition just yet since I have been homeless it's been on hiatus.
    2014 - The single greatest year of my life since 2006. I finally got around to order an Oculus Rift DK1, spent every day gravity bonging and hanging out in my own special private reality. Yung Lean released some of his greatest music that year. Things were looking amazingly well and positive. All sorts of futurist technologies were introduced to the public that year such as self-driving cars, virtual reality, robotics etc yes I now realize a lot of those things were being promoted by globalists but whatever I am simply happy this is all happening in this timeline.
    It's all a blur thanks to the ganja but what little I can remember I recall being some of the happiest moments of my life.
    Socializing in VR is going to be an amazing thing, there is nothing as fun as hanging out in a virtual movie theater with tomodachis watching vids while high.
    2015 - Start of the decline. Grandparents passed away. I started feeling really psychotic. This was the year I started really pondering how reality works after I learned more about quantum mechanics and spent tons of time observing reality while megatoked.
    Once I saw exactly how the state of reality is I felt my entire perspective shift and the transition was like having my brain explode, it honestly truly felt like something like that.
    I think that year I started posting a lot on this website called animebytes trying to inform everyone on the coming technological era and my findings on reality but idiots like lanny came in shitposting trying to derail my threads telling me I was just a schizophrenic and that none of it would happen except that it all is
    2016 - Spent that year living in and out of various hotels. Every moment was misery but I flashed through that year in a marijuana induced stupor (it really works wonders for blacking out unpleasant times and speeding up the days). Voted for Donald Trump that year not because I thought he would change anything but because his whole campaign was hilarious. I knew it was a troll from the start I just didn't realize that he was part of a satanic pedophile network. That year I really started getting into conspiracy theories and learned more about how the fleshnet operates.
    2017 - Current year. This has been the absolute worst year of the decade and my life next to 2011. Lived out of a car. World is going to shit. I have been sober from weed for most of this year. Alcohol has been my only respite. Nothing interesting happening in media or the net it looks as though gaming is getting even worse (unless you count independent releases).
    Suddenly it's as though everything has been inverted and what was once a peaceful loving Christian European nation has been converted into a shit brown islamofied jedi satanic pedophile otherworld.
    Thankfully the year is almost over.
    I sped through this year psychologically as I did 2016 so I don't remember much I have slept through some days just to speed through time.
    When I discovered that 99% of the media is part of some mass global propoganda machine I was quite shocked. I always knew that television and the newspapers were propaganda, but didn't expect games or movies to be so completely tainted. When I learned that the internet was basically a CIA/mossad tool to control the globe I was shocked and disheartened to the point of a total meltdown.

    Overall I rate this decade a 2 out of 10.
    2 points since 2013 and 2014 were amazing.
    Compared to the 90s and 00s the 2010s is just so incredibly shitty, I mean compared to any decade (except for maybe the 70s) it's fucking awful.

    Here is to hoping the 2020s will be much better.
    At least I'll be high 24/7 and living in VR full time.

    Post last edited by Hikikomori-Yume at 2017-12-12T05:57:22.149992+00:00
  2. #2
    I made this montage just like what you'll find on a wikipedia page

    Here I am at the end of an era in my life that is finally coming to a close
    Staying at my tomodachi's boyfriend's place
    These are the final moments of 2017 and the final moments of me living in a horrible soul-crushing illegal state.

    Starting soon I will be moving to the holy land of the US (the actual holy land being Nihon) as a marijuana immigrant.
    The days of loving a painfully sober miserable life will be a long gone thing of the past and I will spend the rest of my existence high 24/7 and in VR.
    2018 is looking to be one of the best years of my life and I can only hope 2019 will be better than 2009.

    To end the respective I will add that here I am yet again staying at a friends house, only this time in a much better situation.
    My healthy isn't as compromised as alcohol, and despite having been drunk every other day for the past two or three weeks I am actually sober right now and not feeling compelled to drink this very moment.
    Thanks to marijuana and the promises of the future I am much freer from the grip of the sonic tonic.
    The start of the decade was rather miserable and the past couple of years have been the most miserable of my life but I am hoping the final two will make up for all of that.

    Hey, if anything I can take solace in knowing that National Socialism is making a comeback.

    I never expected that the day would come.


    Post last edited by Hikikomori-Yume at 2017-12-12T05:57:37.360710+00:00

    Post last edited by Hikikomori-Yume at 2017-12-12T05:57:51.577506+00:00
  3. #3
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    this thread demonstrates that my memory is fucking atrocious
  4. #4
    Aesthetically speaking the 2010s doesn't appear to be much different from the late 00s the things that stick out when I view older pictures are the evolution of smartphones, the suddenly shift from normalacy to absolute degeneracy.
    I didn't keep up with pop culture or even 4chan (I stopped going for a few years since 2011 because the nonstop negativity was upsetting my anxiety) and kept to myself in my own private alcoholic universe so maybe the shift was gradual.
    What was clear to me though was the decline of uniqueness of the internet, the dark turn the world took and the political climate.
    When Nihon was attacked by the HAARP jedi I was absolutely devastated but being in that state I didn't know how to react so I just ... didn't. I blocked it out of my mind and went on with my life ... but now I can go about life blindly no longer the state of things is all consuming.
    I would say the best game of the decade has been Nier, best movie Her and the best new artist Yung Lean.
    Seeing my body age and all my "childhood" tomodachis grow up has been painful.
    It feels like everything is dying. I'm not ready to leave myself so I hold on to the hope that things will turn around and the 2020s will be a major improvement I mean come on if you had been around during the 60s and 70s you wouldn't have expected the 80s and 90s to be such a major improvement.
    Decades are tricky in nature, for two you could endure hardship and jediry (20s - 30s) then suddenly everything turns around and life is heaven (40s - 50s) but with the blink of an eye everything can go to shit.

    The 2020s could end up being a futuristic Aryan utopia who knows but in the future when I look back to the 2010s (assuming I'll remember what happened) I will always view it as the darkest ages of my life.
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    post the pix where you are livig in ur car and not in your sisters bedroom
  6. #6
    How are you writing this much?
  7. #7
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 How are you writing this much?

  8. #8
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 How are you writing this much?

    is there supposed to be a word limit here?
  9. #9
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^typical pussy bitch, answering a question with a question...
  10. #10
    No one else has any personal 2010s retrospectives to post?
    I guess you are all truly dumb as a stack of potatoes with the memory of a flea
  11. #11
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    what the fuck is a tomodachi?

  12. #12
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    i masturbated in 2010.

    cant be assed to type them out now.
  13. #13
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i want to do the 80s again.

  14. #14
    Originally posted by NARCassist what the fuck is a tomodachi?


    It means "Friend" you ignorant philistine.
    Using a search engine only takes seconds.
  15. #15
    Originally posted by NARCassist i want to do the 80s again.

    I want to relive the 90s and 2000 - 2006
  16. #16
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume It means "Friend" you ignorant philistine.
    Using a search engine only takes seconds.

    If it means friend why wouldn't you just use the word "friend" so nobody has to use a search engine to understand what you are saying.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #17
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind If it means friend why wouldn't you just use the word "friend" so nobody has to use a search engine to understand what you are saying.

    Why must life be so straightforward and boring?
  18. #18
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind If it means friend why wouldn't you just use the word "friend" so nobody has to use a search engine to understand what you are saying.

    becos thaat wouldnt be weeb.
  19. #19
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind If it means friend why wouldn't you just use the word "friend" so nobody has to use a search engine to understand what you are saying.

    this. you came on here using gay words that nobody knows wtf mean. you said it so you fucking explain it. think i got time to be googling after every little fuck boi faggot using dumb made up words on the internet. the whole point of language is that its common and enables you to communicate in a way that everyone will understand you. doesn't work properly when you use fag slang.

  20. #20
    Originally posted by NARCassist this. you came on here using gay words that nobody knows wtf mean. you said it so you fucking explain it. think i got time to be googling after every little fuck boi faggot using dumb made up words on the internet. the whole point of language is that its common and enables you to communicate in a way that everyone will understand you. doesn't work properly when you use fag slang.


    they're not made-up words you ignoramus
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