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Have you ever been stark staring mad?

  1. #1
    morningstar Yung Blood
    I've been mad but idk if I've ever been stark staring mad.

    Bonus question: Would you rather get 1 rape in prison or have to survive off 1 flavor of soda as your only food for an entire month, no exceptions.
  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    *stark raving

    I ate a lot of scopolomine once, that shit is psychosis in a bottle. pretty sure I know what schizophrenia feels like now

    and I would say one flavour of soda, but it'd probably turn out to be rape flavoured soda
  3. #3
    morningstar Yung Blood
    *stark raving

    I ate a lot of scopolomine once, that shit is psychosis in a bottle. pretty sure I know what schizophrenia feels like now

    and I would say one flavour of soda, but it'd probably turn out to be rape flavoured soda
    [h=2]be stark raving mad[/h] (British, American & Australian) also be stark staring mad (British)
  4. #4
    morningstar Yung Blood
    Also, 1 rape would be over in minutes. Imagine how starved and shitty you feel just after a day of consuming nothing but rape flavored soda, and you'd have 29 days to go. The only calories you would get for the entire month would be from the sugar. It's just enough to keep you from dying. I think most people would start out with the soda option, then by a few days in the person would be so hungry they'd change their option to prison rape just to get it over with.
  5. #5
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Truly crazy people don't know they're crazy, so if you know you're crazy, or even think you've been crazy, then you most probably aren't, and weren't.
  6. #6
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I would choose 30 days of rape as my only food because I am an [SIZE=20px][FONT=comic sans ms]EdgeLord9000.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  7. #7
    [SIZE=14px]Zongo has gone stark raving mad!!

  8. #8
    ACAB Houston
    I think that's my default setting.
  9. #9
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You're a faggot. That's my answer.
  10. #10
    ACAB Houston
    PS: Give me 100 rapes in prison if you want. Once you've fucked a dude's hairy ass bent over a bunk bed you kinda get a taste for it so yea, I'll rape a motherfucker before I kill myself with soda.
  11. #11
    another zomrade!!. Smells like a coup to me. Just wait until we seize the station and we all get mod powers. I'm gonna fuck your lives up, CHIEF ENGINIGGA MY ASS!!!. I'm the fucking NUCLEAR OPERATIVE TEAM ZOMRADE


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