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Anyone ever been on a roadtrip by themselves?

  1. #1
    How'd you keep yourself entertained? Where'd you go and what'd you do?
  2. #2
    RestStop Space Nigga
    I used to do this pretty regularly. The thrill/fear of if you get pulled over you're doing no less than 7 years is anything but boring.
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  3. #3
    Yeah, it's awesome.

    In Florida, where you can make mini road trips down into the panhandle that take 4+ hours. You can go out to one of the springs, and those are almost always fun unless they're swamped with college kids. But there are so many, you can almost always find a beautiful, empty one of you're willing to make a long drive.

    But I've driven longer trips across America too. When I was still living in Chicago, I used to drive out to Maryland to spend some time fishing with my uncle and it took about 14-15 hours, and it was one of the most gorgeous and exciting trips to make. You pass through Virginia and find yourself going through some of the most breathtakingly gorgeous scenery you can imagine.

    As far as keeping myself entertained, road trips are a great opportunity to experiment or explore musically. If you like a particular song by an artist, it might be worthwhile to listen to a whole album or two of theirs, see what you like and see what you don't.

    I try to listen to concept albums, or even just albums that run well as a whole. My favourite roadtrip album of all time is Graceland by Paul Simon. Ziggy Stardust, The Wall and Pet Sounds always need a mention in this discussion. Tommy by The Who is a good one. Any of MF Doom's albums are great if you want a little hip hop.
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Yeah, it's awesome.

    In Florida, where you can make mini road trips down into the panhandle that take 4+ hours. You can go out to one of the springs, and those are almost always fun unless they're swamped with college kids. But there are so many, you can almost always find a beautiful, empty one of you're willing to make a long drive.

    But I've driven longer trips across America too. When I was still living in Chicago, I used to drive out to Maryland to spend some time fishing with my uncle and it took about 14-15 hours, and it was one of the most gorgeous and exciting trips to make. You pass through Virginia and find yourself going through some of the most breathtakingly gorgeous scenery you can imagine.

    As far as keeping myself entertained, road trips are a great opportunity to experiment or explore musically. If you like a particular song by an artist, it might be worthwhile to listen to a whole album or two of theirs, see what you like and see what you don't.

    I try to listen to concept albums, or even just albums that run well as a whole. My favourite roadtrip album of all time is Graceland by Paul Simon. Ziggy Stardust, The Wall and Pet Sounds always need a mention in this discussion. Tommy by The Who is a good one. Any of MF Doom's albums are great if you want a little hip hop.

    you should try out the album "animals" by pink floyd, I'm not a pink floyd fan at all really but that album definitely has a theme and many times while listening to it, it gets so out there that I forget that I'm listening to pink floyd then it comes full circle

    but unfortunately for me the furthest I've been in 5 years is dallas, it was fun though.
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you should try out the album "animals" by pink floyd, I'm not a pink floyd fan at all really but that album definitely has a theme and many times while listening to it, it gets so out there that I forget that I'm listening to pink floyd then it comes full circle

    Here's the original version of dogs. Enjoy!

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    Take a road trip on a motorcycle

    You won't get bored
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon In Florida, where you can make mini road trips down into the panhandle that take 4+ hours. You can go out to one of the springs, and those are almost always fun unless they're swamped with college kids. But there are so many, you can almost always find a beautiful, empty one of you're willing to make a long drive.

    My god those are fucking wonderful. If only there were somewhere which wasn't florida that had springs like that.
  8. #8
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I went on a two day roadtrip throughout Washington and hit up retail stores of one kind. Left my place at like 4 in the morning. Stayed at a hotel in downtown Seattle but stayed up all night dealing with my gains.

    It was well worth it.
  9. #9
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 My god those are fucking wonderful. If only there were somewhere which wasn't florida that had springs like that.

    Colorado has a bunch of good ones. And legal weed too.

    I want to go to a Floridian spring on two tabs of acid though. That would be real fun IMO. But there's gotta be no one around or it'd ruin it.
  10. #10
  11. #11
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Colorado has a bunch of good ones. And legal weed too.

    I want to go to a Floridian spring on two tabs of acid though. That would be real fun IMO. But there's gotta be no one around or it'd ruin it.

    I don't know that they have as many. I think they tend to be a lot bigger too, and thus not as empty? Not sure about that though, just going off what I can see from maps.

    I've been to a Floridian spring on two tabs of acid (yes, exactly two.) Here is an unedited photo of me at that spring:

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #12
    I went from Indiana to San Diego with my okaasan
    I listened to music on my ipod the entire time.
  13. #13
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    road trips are for faggots and queers.

    real men trips off road.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #14
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Damn Gollem your abs are shredded bro.
  15. #15
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by RestStop Damn Gollem your abs are shredded bro.

    you enjoy looking at his abs.

  16. #16
    Originally posted by RestStop Damn Gollem your abs are shredded bro.

    Thanks dude.
  17. #17
    Originally posted by RestStop I used to do this pretty regularly. The thrill/fear of if you get pulled over you're doing no less than 7 years is anything but boring.

    gist without details

    backstory of this roadtrip please.
  18. #18
    I used to motorcycle ride to this area near Sacramento River.

    If you visit the bay area. Rent some motorcycles (there is a place in San Francisco off of Duboce/13th street.. look for bike rentals.. rent a harley if you can.. they hold more fuel)

    cross the bay into Oakland, ride north on I880 which becomes I80 (watch for the split, don't take west 580.. you'll end up at San Quintin)

    On I-80, you will cross the Carquinez bridge and head north some 20 miles or so till you see highway 12/ Suison City. Dont be tempted to go see captive whales at 6 flags Magic King which is just before 12.

    This is where the ride gets enjoyable. And I useally come into this road from my old home from the eastern side but stick with these directions

    on 12 (Has these road dips that go up like 20 feet then come down, over and over again.. you can't see traffic in front of you half the time.. be careful) keep riding and you will go through Rio Vista and cross a bridge. Take the mother fucken highway 160 north (the first left (I believe) off the bridge.. like really close. this is the best part of the motorcycle ride.

    Iseton is like this little country town with old houses from the 1800s like you see in old westerns. and its got some decent places to eat.. Bit foodie ville. Ride through Ryde and then you can stop off at Walnut Grove. go north again and it will criss cross bridges back and forth over the delta. Just a small ride north of Walnut Grove is Locke. and old Chinese Mining Town with some of the families from the original 1800 chinese miners (coolies?) live there. like rickity old structures. It's also a artist town. and a biker bar (or weekend bikers, mainly lawyers and shit playing the role- letting off steam. Maybe you can get into a fight with one)

    then umm.. go north some more.. One more nice looking town with an old western Motel.. then north of that is a fucking giant Water Tower that says Welcome to Sacramento. you can ride into Sacramento if you like. Liberal State Hub.

    or just turn around and ride home.. get some gas first. You will just about run out if you pass Walnut Grove and go straight back to Rio Vista. dont forget to look for the bridge and Highway 12 west.

    it's a gnarly ride with only single lanes on both sides of oncoming local yuppies in a hurry to drive back to the bay.
  19. #19
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 I don't know that they have as many. I think they tend to be a lot bigger too, and thus not as empty? Not sure about that though, just going off what I can see from maps.

    I've been to a Floridian spring on two tabs of acid (yes, exactly two.) Here is an unedited photo of me at that spring:

    Wow, I like ur trunks
  20. #20
    thnx babe
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