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I don't trust Speech to Text

  1. #21
    bling bling Dark Matter
    throat michrophone implant in small infant babbys
  2. #22
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by jedi.Goldstein You are right to be.
    PLA Episode 17 was about voice password hacking:

    There are also tensor based methods emerging to clone human speech patterns (Lyrebird).

    The NN claim is a lie, maybe prosodic estimation is done by NN but synthesis itself is clearly carried out by MLSA. It's a mistake either way as unit selection would be a more reasonable strategy for this use case.
  3. #23
    Originally posted by Lanny The NN claim is a lie, maybe prosodic estimation is done by NN but synthesis itself is clearly carried out by MLSA. It's a mistake either way as unit selection would be a more reasonable strategy for this use case.

    I tried out Lyrebird's online beta, and the result sounded like a nasally Microsoft Bob.

    Adobe have a similar product in the works, demoed it last year.

    Post last edited by jedi.Goldstein at 2017-11-25T21:20:59.973663+00:00
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