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Shooting Spree In Cali

  1. #1
    SBTlauien African Astronaut

    Only five dead, but it counts.
  2. #2
  3. #3
    *puts on tinfoil hat*
  4. #4
    "Only five dead, but it counts" - 2017
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    Doesn't matter, finished my AR
  6. #6
    Yee, that's another case of ammo for me.
  7. #7
    Originally posted by SBTlauien

    Only five dead, but it counts.

    several were children. that's really cold.

    You must be like 16?

    Why didn't this mother fucker pick a fight with a LA gang or some shit. go hog wild and take their shit and run.. be on the run in mexico

    instead he's like an angry methhead

  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Lol he looks like my dad ten years ago when he was fatter but way more grungey
  9. #9
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Lol he looks like my dad ten years ago when he was fatter but way more grungey

    Yur dad looks like a fat version of an angry meth head/// wat?
  10. #10
    Very few shooters seem to plan things out very well. The Vegas shooter did an excellent job, objectively speaking. Killed lots of people, hit many more. He did exactly what he came in to do and maybe even to a group of people he hated. Could've done better in that regard, but whatever, maybe he didn't care about politics.

    But what good does a school do? If you hate children you can go shoot a politician in favor of defunding planned parenthood, or provide condoms/birth control if you want to be effective. These people almost never accomplish what they think they're accomplishing. You get one fucking chance at this and so many people just blow it. Not even talking exclusively murder here, just in general. Though most people don't throw away their life in a single afternoon.
  11. #11
    If I was gonna shoot up a place it would be a synagogue
  12. #12
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume If I was gonna shoot up a place it would be a synagogue

    I'm reading a lot of hate and attacks on synagogues in the San Francisco area, lately. One in my hometown.

    Did you say you live in the bay area? though these people broke windows or broke up part of the building and spray painted shit.

    you need to attend one and ask yourself "Do I really hate humans who practice a single God". are you sure these are the people you hate.. or do you hate the Faux jedi Hyper Capitalist who want to gain power through funding their opposing side to shift blame on the Socialist party?

    I mean if they hate everyone but themselves, how can they be socialist? then again how can they be capitalist and show love to only their own people, if they screw them over as well?

    you're caught in a web of deceit
  13. #13
  14. #14
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Not an SG thread.
  15. #15
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 several were children. that's really cold.

    You must be like 16?

    Why didn't this mother fucker pick a fight with a LA gang or some shit. go hog wild and take their shit and run.. be on the run in mexico

    instead he's like an angry methhead

    I didn't mean it like that.
  16. #16
    I read that mass shooting by year. I mean there was (for 200 years) from 1-3 shootings every few years or decades. sometimes in the same year. usually a parent shooting a teacher but sometimes a young teen shooting a teacher. usually 1 died or 0 died.. occasionally 2-3 died.

    then you move up to like 1980s and it's 4 shot, 2 killed (I don't like monday's.. I'm gonna shooooooot -the-whole-day-down; San Diego)

    then .. the 1990s come along and WHAT THE FUCKKKKKK!

    mind you, vegas doesn't play into this. Only Schools.

    But I couldn't find a list for Mass Shootings or Serial Killings for the past 241 years.

    Some might throw in something from Civil War for a mass killing or serial sniping.
  17. #17
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    ^Its also mostly an American thing. Other countries seem to have better family values and are non-Christian.
  18. #18
    Originally posted by SBTlauien ^Its also mostly an American thing. Other countries seem to have better family values and are non-Christian.

    Ehhhh. I'd say most of the west is pretty much the same.
  19. #19
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Ehhhh. I'd say most of the west is pretty much the same.

    To an extent. But in the states, families act all warm and cuddly in front of others, but behind closed doors they have no care for each other. The states is all arrogant dog-eat-dog mentality wrapped in a mask of love and care.
  20. #20
    It's true. No christian took me in when I have helped others out.

    Even in Russia, 3-4 generations (or more) will share a 2-3 bedroom Eastern Block Apartment, not because they have to or there is lack of Apartments, but because it's part culture.

    seems the more you have, the less you want to share your space. that's weird.. seems backwards
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