Hayley Koch started out the scion of a rich family. It all went wrong when she went to college:
Haley is a member of UNC-NOW (United with Northside Community Now) which is a grassroots organization dedicated to preserving African-American culture in a neighborhood near the university.
Haley is a Performance Studies major and a Sexuality Studies minor. This summer, she will be carrying out ethnographic research on queers in the Balkans and Europe.
Haley was also the conference director for the Southeast Regional Unity Conference, an annual gathering of homosexuals and their allies. The event included a "Gender F&*king Cabaret" where Haley performed "an original monologue on queer sex."
Haley described herself on Twitter as a "radical queer femme-inist artist activist with a love of social justice, sparkles, and sex."
So far so good, just another "feminist" getting assfucked by jedis on camera for cash.
Yet despite her apparent love for cock, after retiring she went to have kids with an ugly lesbian. Of course it involved donor sperm, but she couldn't just have her own kids - that would be too straightforward. She took her butch girlfriends eggs, some wimp donors sperm, and put it into her own womb, for extra fuck-uppedness points.