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  1. #1




    Look, there is nothing wrong with internationalism in fact it should be encouraged I love other cultures and experiencing them but GLOBALISM means the DEATH of all culture, humanity would become one corporate blob everybody would give up their precious ancestry and history in exchange for Nike, Coca Cola and Facebook ... obviously that would be a great atrocity and one of the worst things to ever happen to humanity so it cannot be allowed to happen.
  2. #2
    If the NWO isn't taken out and Nationalists don't take back their homelands then I will invent a machine that will suck this planet into a black hole
  3. #3
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I am not sure whether an imperialist Japan is such a good thing. Sure, conservative and traditional values are alright. But not all was Ichigo Daifuku and Cherry Blossom festivals back in the day.
  4. #4
    Originally posted by Sophie I am not sure whether an imperialist Japan is such a good thing. Sure, conservative and traditional values are alright. But not all was Ichigo Daifuku and Cherry Blossom festivals back in the day.

    Yeah ... I don't want them (or the west for that matter) to go back to the way things were I just want traditionalist values, national and ethnic pride etc
    We're moving on to the future, it shouldn't go too far in either direction we need a happy medium.
    This is why when I talk about globalism and technocracy I mention that I'm not 100% against either, I agree with some of their points but I see globalism and ultra right-wingism as being ills on both sides.
  5. #5
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Yeah … I don't want them (or the west for that matter) to go back to the way things were I just want traditionalist values, national and ethnic pride etc
    We're moving on to the future, it shouldn't go too far in either direction we need a happy medium.
    This is why when I talk about globalism and technocracy I mention that I'm not 100% against either, I agree with some of their points but I see globalism and ultra right-wingism as being ills on both sides.

    I say get rid of the state as a whole, but not in the way antifa imagines it. Well, it's a long and complicated story but taking the pragmatist approach i would be happy to live in a libertarian or classical liberal society with traditional values.
  6. #6
    Originally posted by Sophie I say get rid of the state as a whole, but not in the way antifa imagines it. Well, it's a long and complicated story but taking the pragmatist approach i would be happy to live in a libertarian or classical liberal society with traditional values.

    Go on ... I'm interested in hearing your vision for society.
    Me, I think we should be a technologically driven anarchist society (possibly anarcho-capitalist but tbh I just want to move away from monetary systems altogether)
  7. #7
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Go on … I'm interested in hearing your vision for society.
    Me, I think we should be a technologically driven anarchist society (possibly anarcho-capitalist but tbh I just want to move away from monetary systems altogether)

    Well yeah it's basically AnCap. I'm a voluntarist, people can go have their state and taxes and welfare and whatnot if they want to just don't force me or anyone else to participate and in turn i won't force anyone else to live the way i live. Social services would be market driven instead of mandated by the government. That's the short version.
  8. #8
    Originally posted by Sophie Well yeah it's basically AnCap. I'm a voluntarist, people can go have their state and taxes and welfare and whatnot if they want to just don't force me or anyone else to participate and in turn i won't force anyone else to live the way i live. Social services would be market driven instead of mandated by the government. That's the short version.

    AnCap is cute in theory, but how do you suppose society will structure itself without succumbing to 'might makes right' with a bunch of fragmented warring clans? Also, how would large, external threats (like an invasion) be handled?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Dargo AnCap is cute in theory, but how do you suppose society will structure itself without succumbing to 'might makes right' with a bunch of fragmented warring clans? Also, how would large, external threats (like an invasion) be handled?

    Personal hydrogen bombs for the win.

    Please watch this Youtube video. I would tell you myself but i get tired of arguing with statists all the time everywhere.

    This applies very general to defense in a stateless society.
  10. #10
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    CHING fucking CHONG niggers
  11. #11
    Originally posted by mashlehash CHING fucking CHONG niggers

    Suck it up handsome and well tanned individual/euroburger China and Asia are going to take over the world and you better embrace it ... could be worse if it wasn't for Asians niggers would inherit the earth.
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