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Donald Trump photographed sucking Saudi King dick on Air Force One[details inside]

  1. #21
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Petro Dollar is what it's called. It's what backs it. keeping our currancy a world standard of trust.

    It's not just the petrodollar I'm talking about - using OPEC to force trade in dollars and control prices is one thing, but KSA also provides deep financial backing for (and has embedded itself into) the US financial system, specifically the Federal Reserve and to a lesser extent, the Treasury.

    Originally posted by benny vader i know and usa also owes alot to china but then the usa can always choose to be the bad guy, chimp out and dishonor their debt obligations with guns drawn and theres nothing anyone can do about it.

    reneging on debt is one thing, but if KSA is truly embedded as deep as it seems then Saudi Arabia collapsing is essentially a lodestone of the western financial system collapsing - it's more than a matter of trust, it literally won't be able to function internally or externally.

    I'll try and find the report on it I read a while back, I know I talked to Sophie about it at the time
  2. #22
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by aldra I'll try and find the report on it I read a while back, I know I talked to Sophie about it at the time

    *holds breath*
  3. #23
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Petro Dollar is what it's called. It's what backs it. keeping our currancy a world standard of trust.

    But tell me this.. I havn't researched it yet. When did "Owning Gold" become legal again in the USA? I know in the 30s and 40s everyone had to give up their gold or be fined or arrested? it became illegal to own Gold in the USA. how weird is that.

    You really are a tard. That restriction was lifted on Jan. 01, 1975.
  4. #24
    Yet instead of selling weapons Class A Weaponry what we are now just using ourselves (New out of the box and just released defense and offensive weapons), to the Arabs. We could of rolled in on them. they were far less prepared for a War than Iraq was. And took the oil as spoils of war for such a horrific act and treasonous on the Arabs part to a trustyworthy, allied nation (or former) that Saudi Arabia was. so we're supposed to look a blinds eye, blame the Iraqis (somehow.. we were blaming Afghanistan for harboring a Bad boy Bin Laden then suddenly shifted 2 years later on invading Iraq??) this is not an excuse to do the write thing. So We know they helped murder thousands of people on the day.. and to this day (based on the dust of asbestos and other exotic materials) of US citizens. and Soldiers. and innocent civilians in Iraq including many children. to keep the Petro stable? and when the Petro is no longer stable (or US Currency) then Saudi Arabia will do the write business thing and fuck the US off. they dont care about us. It's the popular party game.. "You need to leave now, Bruh.. you aint in the cool kid club, USA". It's only a moment fix while they fucking paid for a Pearl Harbor style attack on us. it's been released and then "Reslealed"? how do you reseal something the public and family member got to see so once transparent and so shockingly transparent? You can't unsee that. it's like watching your grandma walk in on your highschool graduation after party in front of all your friends and forgot to wear a depends and shit herself on the floor in front of everyone. You can't unsee that. only you and your friends didn't die.

    Originally posted by aldra It's not just the petrodollar I'm talking about - using OPEC to force trade in dollars and control prices is one thing, but KSA also provides deep financial backing for (and has embedded itself into) the US financial system, specifically the Federal Reserve and to a lesser extent, the Treasury.

    reneging on debt is one thing, but if KSA is truly embedded as deep as it seems then Saudi Arabia collapsing is essentially a lodestone of the western financial system collapsing - it's more than a matter of trust, it literally won't be able to function internally or externally.

    I'll try and find the report on it I read a while back, I know I talked to Sophie about it at the time
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #25
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Yet instead of selling weapons Class A Weaponry what we are now just using ourselves (New out of the box and just released defense and offensive weapons), to the Arabs. We could of rolled in on them. they were far less prepared for a War than Iraq was. And took the oil as spoils of war for such a horrific act and treasonous on the Arabs part to a trustyworthy, allied nation (or former) that Saudi Arabia was. so we're supposed to look a blinds eye, blame the Iraqis (somehow.. we were blaming Afghanistan for harboring a Bad boy Bin Laden then suddenly shifted 2 years later on invading Iraq??) this is not an excuse to do the write thing. So We know they helped murder thousands of people on the day.. and to this day (based on the dust of asbestos and other exotic materials) of US citizens. and Soldiers. and innocent civilians in Iraq including many children. to keep the Petro stable? and when the Petro is no longer stable (or US Currency) then Saudi Arabia will do the write business thing and fuck the US off. they dont care about us. It's the popular party game.. "You need to leave now, Bruh.. you aint in the cool kid club, USA". It's only a moment fix while they fucking paid for a Pearl Harbor style attack on us. it's been released and then "Reslealed"? how do you reseal something the public and family member got to see so once transparent and so shockingly transparent? You can't unsee that. it's like watching your grandma walk in on your highschool graduation after party in front of all your friends and forgot to wear a depends and shit herself on the floor in front of everyone. You can't unsee that. only you and your friends didn't die.

  6. #26
    I don't like some of his policies. sending a nurse specialist and some doctors back home because they don't have their legal status in order. what happened to Doctors without Borders?

    anyways. We have to hold onto what good natured things he has in mind.. like if he ever reopens the Clinton cases and 9/11 NIST report. Cleaning out the swamp. We have to give him a chance.. first rounds of presidency are difficult. Look at Reagan.. Iran.. Guns and Cocaine.. guh! he came in when he started having Alzheimer too. He was very bright as a Governor. he was a good leader.

    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Trump is your President
  7. #27
    Oh OK. W.O.T. WOT? Wut? Wat?

    I'm grammatically unright

    didn't think I was being graded on this sh1tpost site

    Originally posted by Speedy Parker
  8. #28
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Oh OK. W.O.T. WOT? Wut? Wat?

    I'm grammatically unright

    didn't think I was being graded on this sh1tpost site

    Grammar is not the same as punctuation.
  9. #29
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Yet it was an act of war, which allows us to take it's wealth as a spoil of war. and to keep them from ever doing such a crime of war on any other nation. It was actually our true duty to do so.

    Fail on the President for not.

    that's not how spoils of war works

  10. #30
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Petro Dollar is what it's called. It's what backs it. keeping our currancy a world standard of trust.

    But tell me this.. I havn't researched it yet. When did "Owning Gold" become legal again in the USA? I know in the 30s and 40s everyone had to give up their gold or be fined or arrested? it became illegal to own Gold in the USA. how weird is that.

  11. #31
    Originally posted by NARCassist .

    He warned everyone this guy was creepy and a fiddler of the youth in 1978

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