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Bill Cooper - Project Blue Beam fake alien invasion

  1. #1

    I believe it, not just because the technology is possible and the institutions that run the world are corrupt enough, but I have personally witnessed such technology.
    When I was very young on two occasions I saw holographic projections and one during my tweens that could have been BB.
    The first was when I was staying with my okaa and her ex I was in the room with his two sons trying to sleep, but before I could I saw this glowing glove on the floor that had a face or something I can't remember exactly it was a long time ago, I'm pretty sure it spoke to me, when I tried waking up the other two boys in the room they got mad at me for trying to wake them up and wouldn't look at what was on the floor ... the second time was when I was staying at my grandparents again in the room on my way to sleep, I saw a ghostly woman in a dress in the corner of the room when I tried waking my mom up she wouldn't wake up.
    The third time I saw a BB projection was when I was like 12 and again it was late at night and I was on my way to sleep, there was a blue orb that silently and slowly moved from the living room into my room and then disappeared, I later learned that such a phenomena is called "ball lightning".
    During each of these occasions I was absolutely awake, the last occasion 100% (the one with the woman could have been a dream but I am very certain I was awake I felt very lucid and awake).

    So I have been a victim of government experimentation, just as the "alien abduction" victims (it's the government, the roswell incident was just the government faking an alien crash using saucer drones).

    Any hoo the NWO/TPTB are going to stage an alien invasion in order to bring about their one world government.
    If there is a threat of a war with aliens the governments of the world would need to unite, but if they're all working separately they wouldn't be able to fight against an alien threat as effectively.
    This is laughable since true real aliens wouldn't even warn us or attack us physically, they could just use their advanced technology to delete us from existence or sink the world into itself.

    Have any of you heard about the california house fires?
    The people who were there all believe that they were destroyed using directed energy weapons ... when the fake invasion begins they'll probably use that tech to destroy homes and buildings while they fly saucers around tricking people into believing there is an actual invasion and the masses will be too uninformed to realize that it's just primitive human tech that has been around since WWII.
    Real true aliens wouldn't need to go through such lengths, a civilization capable of reaching us would be able to teleport not just across the universe but to other universes as well and even other dimensions, what makes you think they would use physical space ships or have an interest in us?
  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Summary of video? can't watch right now
  3. #3

    They're not even trying to hide it anymore, it's everywhere out in the open.
    The NWO is going to enact a communist marxist "utopia" where there is no gender, there is no race and no individuality.

    look, it's right there straight from the horse's mouth they spell out want they want of society
    They're fucking teaching kids Tumblr sexual deviant lingo in class, these children don't understand anything yet they are forced to burn this into their brains via the class tests.
    If you were 11 and you had no access to the truth, you thought that the media and public school were the voice of absolute truth you would be lead to believe you were ignorant and wrong for not knowing what "on the down low" and "polysexual" meant.
    It won't stop here they really are going to normalize pedophilia, then incest and maybe beastiality (though probably not it'll be up to the people to determine how to feel about that).

    This is all divide and conquer, breaking down the moral fabric of our civilization and warping the minds of our youth.
    When left-leaning children of today grow up to their 20s it will be 1000x worse than what antifa is, worse than every leftist of tumblr combined .. if we don't act now there will be a major civil war.
    Look, I can sympathize with these people, I used to believe in that shit ... until I stopped for a moment and took the time to think about where all of this would lead into the future and how society functions.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by aldra Summary of video? can't watch right now

    He goes on about how he used to research UFOs but realized it was all bogus, but actually a trojan horse for the NWO.
    There is also another video of him predicting Osama Bin Laden would be a patzee for a terrorist attack in the US months before 9/11 happened.

    There is a ton of info on the web about Blue Beam if you're interested.
    This stuff isn't sci-fi or conspiracy, it's technology that really does exist.
  5. #5
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    'fist youth'

    'join us, fist!'

    hard to imagine that's not a joke
  6. #6
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    in terms of messing up children, check this out:

    I'm surprised you can still find it on the internet at all to be honest; it's from around 10 years ago and I remember it happening just after I finished high school. It caused a huge backlash from teachers and parents, but got zero media attention - distributed to kids as young as 10, it describes gay sex acts in detail and even includes addresses and contact details for needle exchanges and gay bars
  7. #7
    It's absurd to think that the public education system thinks it should be a requirement that 7th grade children understand how to mutilate their bodies and take it up the ass, I mean ... in any respectable school they would advise AGAINST anal sex, seeing as it's really fucking UNHEALTHY.
    I wouldn't expect them to teach kids how to construct a tulpa, or what waifu and husbandou, loli and shota mean ... come on.
    If gender dysphoria is a real mental illness it would be so incredibly rare that only a handful of children in each given state would have such a condition and even then it shouldn't be tought this way.
    Anyone with any shred of perception can see right through this, that it's just the marxists trying to indoctrinate children into a psychological state that isn't hetero"normative".
    They're creating the new normal, 20 years from now people who are capable of breeding and raising children naturally will be a minority.

    As for Blue Beam, the same cabal that is ruining our society will use disney land parlor tricks to deceive the dumbed down masses into believing greys are trying to destroy us using laser beams and primitive humanoid-like tech.

    Goddamn what a time to be alive.
  8. #8
    Originally posted by aldra and even includes addresses and contact details for needle exchanges and gay bars

    See, this is how you know that their intention isn't to educate people so homosexuals can live more easily, it's to distort people's perceptions of reality and lead them towards a particular mindset.
    This is so incredibly perverse I can't believe it's happening.

    If sex ed just informed kids that homosexuality does exist that would be one thing, but to encourage harmful sex or genital mutilation is another.
    Do they even inform kids how dangerous anal sex is, or how to avoid STDs or that AIDs KILLS?

    The worst part of all this is people like us will be seen as prudes with outdated mindsets.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume The worst part of all this is people like us will be seen as prudes with outdated mindsets.

    already are; I avoid talking to people about that sort of thing unless I already know them very well - people tend to get very upset if you take the position that there's little 'progressive' about it.

    That and I don't drink anymore so I can't just berate them until they cry or start swinging
  10. #10
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
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