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What is the issue with pedosexuality?

  1. #21
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Every post in this thread so far has been utter retardation, besides dargo's posts.

    Still true.
  2. #22
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Dargo By that logic nothing is wrong or right.

    gott damm. if you dont know that by now your an uber retard.

    right is what the mob says and agrees as right and vicey versay for wrong.

    theres no universal right and wrong other than what the village mob make of it.
  3. #23
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by NARCassist i have this theory that the reason sex is considered naughty or evil is due to the

    monopoly of pleasure and wants.
  4. #24
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by NARCassist that is fucking retarded.

    How much of your life have you lost to drugs and alcohol? 10 years? 20 years? Have to go pretty damn hard to chop off 30. How much of your daily activity is spent in some way directed towards securing sex, including time spent making money you spend in some way shape or form on a woman? Maybe you're the ubermensch who just disregards hos at every turn but a tremendous amount of human effort in our society is spent on courtship, probably including most labor sold for money. Your job kills you, pleasing your girlfriend/wife kills you directly in addition to sending you to the job that kills you, maintaining children kills you, doing it with your wife/girlfriend kills you, and the job you have to work to do both those things kills you. Sex kills you bro, even if you want it, it kills you faster than booze and tobacco.
  5. #25
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume that's a very subjective statement

    Your opinion has been reprimanded.
  6. #26
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Wow, bringing aliens into this. There is no life on other planets and if there was I'm pretty sure they don't have the same kind of family structure as humans do. They prob have stage 1 protoamoebas fucking incorporeal snail gods. If there were life on other planets. But theres not.
  7. #27
    Madman African Astronaut
    Because there are more people that want to kill pedos than want to have sex with children.
  8. #28
    Originally posted by Dissociator Wow, bringing aliens into this. There is no life on other planets and if there was I'm pretty sure they don't have the same kind of family structure as humans do. They prob have stage 1 protoamoebas fucking incorporeal snail gods. If there were life on other planets. But theres not.

    That's a pretty bold statement considering how balls-gapingly massive the universe is. It could stretch on for infinity. You're telling me that you think we're the ONLY life in infinity? Your mind can't even grasp infinity. It doesn't exist in the human brain.
  9. #29
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 That's a pretty bold statement considering how balls-gapingly massive the universe is. It could stretch on for infinity. You're telling me that you think we're the ONLY life in infinity? Your mind can't even grasp infinity. It doesn't exist in the human brain.

    I think most models are of a finite mass universe, so it doesn't really "stretch on for infinity" in any sense that entails there's an unbounded number of opportunities for life.
  10. #30
    That's why I said 'could.' I won't pretend to know enough about physics to do anything past speculate. I think it's kind of egotistic to do anything beyond that tbh.

    Also I'm not aware of what models you're talking about that AREN'T infinite. Care to share?
  11. #31
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    My understanding of inflationary models is that they assert the universe has a finite volume although it's expanding, and no additional mass is generated, so even if "perpetually expanding" is taking as a synonym for infinite that expansion consists of empty space (or dispersion of mass into empty space) which doesn't seem to allow for an infinite or increasing quantity of space where life can arise.
  12. #32
    Madman African Astronaut
    There are still trillions of stars and planets which is enough to say there is a reasonable chance for life on other planets, even though we probably won't contact them ever. I don't believe the earth is that special.
  13. #33
    Originally posted by Lanny My understanding of inflationary models is that they assert the universe has a finite volume although it's expanding, and no additional mass is generated, so even if "perpetually expanding" is taking as a synonym for infinite that expansion consists of empty space (or dispersion of mass into empty space) which doesn't seem to allow for an infinite or increasing quantity of space where life can arise.

    This is a perfect example of "not being able to comprehend infinity"

    Inflationary models aren't finite. All the matter in the universe was created in the Big Bang, but it is also infinite matter.

    And Madman brings up a good point anyway. There's just no way we live in the ONE instance of chemical reactions creating life. There is a googlplex of universes out there. Look up into the sky at night and find the smallest star you can find. Realize that they are thousands of lightyears away. One lightyear is roughly 10,000,000,000,000 kilometers. Now realize that there are stars you cannot see that are a centillion light years away.

    A centillion is:

    Now multiply that by 10,000,000,000,000 to figure out how many kilometers away a centillion is. Think further, and imagine that there are stars that are trillions of centillions away. We may live for billions of years as a space faring race and still never meet another alien species, but there is no way there isn't at least one of those fuckers out there.
  14. #34
    with numbers like that at least a billion civilizations out there view pedosexuality as being healthy and normal
  15. #35
    waiting for my 13yo waifu
  16. #36
    wait that's too old she'll be a granny by the time I hit my 30s
  17. #37
    if free love is legalized how would one go about finding lolis?
    there would probably be dating services but what if you get catfished and they're actually 16 - 18?
  18. #38
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 This is a perfect example of "not being able to comprehend infinity"

    Inflationary models aren't finite. All the matter in the universe was created in the Big Bang, but it is also infinite matter.

    What are you basing that on? Inflationary models still posit a finite volume to the universe, if there was infinite mass why would we observe that most of the universe is empty? And new mass isn't being generated. I'm not exactly sure what failure to comprehend you're talking about.

    And Madman brings up a good point anyway. There's just no way we live in the ONE instance of chemical reactions creating life.

    Unless we are... we don't really know how likely it is for a given planet to give rise to life. Yes the universe is large but all if life is really rare (I mean it is extremely complex organized patterns emerging from highly chaotic systems) then it's reasonable to think we're the only instance of it. I've yet to see a compelling argument that the chances of life arising on a given planet is greater than one over the number of planets that can support life and if that were the case then us being the only life in the universe would be exactly the expected result.

    There is a googlplex of universes out there.

    uhh, citation needed on that one
  19. #39
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 This is a perfect example of "not being able to comprehend infinity"

    Inflationary models aren't finite. All the matter in the universe was created in the Big Bang, but it is also infinite matter.

    And Madman brings up a good point anyway. There's just no way we live in the ONE instance of chemical reactions creating life. There is a googlplex of universes out there. Look up into the sky at night and find the smallest star you can find. Realize that they are thousands of lightyears away. One lightyear is roughly 10,000,000,000,000 kilometers. Now realize that there are stars you cannot see that are a centillion light years away.

    A centillion is:

    Now multiply that by 10,000,000,000,000 to figure out how many kilometers away a centillion is. Think further, and imagine that there are stars that are trillions of centillions away. We may live for billions of years as a space faring race and still never meet another alien species, but there is no way there isn't at least one of those fuckers out there.

    you're fucking stupid
  20. #40
    implying infinite expansion doesn't suggest a point of critical mass and inevitable collapse
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