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What is the issue with pedosexuality?

  1. #1
    Not considering older pedos who coarse or force themselves on lolis/shotas, lets say you have a 12yo loli who wants the D and hooks up with someone in their 20s or 30s, it's consensual and the loli is fully aware of what is going on ... what is wrong with that?
    I bring this up because it looks as though the left are now normalizing pedophilia and if the trend continues, within a decade or two it will be socially accepted to have a relationship with someone from 7 to 13 ...

    I understand the importance of a pure and innocent childhood and that should be how each and every one of the lolis/shotas across the world develop, but lets be honest ...
    When I was 14 - 15 I wanted hot raw sex with adults, I fapped to porn ... if some shota offered you sex would you turn it down?
    Kids want sex, so who are we to deny them satisfaction for their carnal desires? ;)

    I see pedosexuality as a problem because it will eliminate the psychological state of childhood and we'll end up with a civilization that never understood what it truly meant to be a child. everyone will have their innocence robbed off them as soon as they're capable of standing on two feet.
    I loved being a naive and carefree child who had a pure and pristine view of the world and life, once I started looking at pornography I changed psychologically.
    People who are pedosexxed usually end up with serious psychological issues, they become homosexuals who can't even live a normal life without unrestrained constant sex, later on they become hollywood moguls.

    If you think about it, aversion to pedophilia could be cultural ... the arabs don't see anything wrong with it and I'm sure there are countless planets where pedo-sex is rife.

    What are your thoughts on pedosexuality, niggers?

  2. #2
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    You're sick.
  3. #3
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume ….
    When I was 14 - 15 I wanted hot raw sex with adults, …

    with male or female ???

    pls clarify.
  4. #4
    RestStop Space Nigga
    That girl is ugly.
  5. #5
    Originally posted by benny vader with male or female ???

    pls clarify.

    all of the above
  6. #6
    Originally posted by RestStop That girl is ugly.

    She's adorable and probably gonna turn out to be one sexy beast
  7. #7
    The issue is that it's not okay to fuck children. There's not really a debate to be had.
  8. #8
    Originally posted by mashlehash You're sick.

    that's a very subjective statement
  9. #9
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Dargo The issue is that it's not okay to fuck children. There's not really a debate to be had.

    says who ???
  10. #10
    Originally posted by benny vader says who ???

  11. #11
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    why is the term 'innocence' applied to people who are unaware of or not had sex? it implies that sex is a bad thing. the opposite of innocence is guilty, lol.

  12. #12
    Originally posted by NARCassist why is the term 'innocence' applied to people who are unaware of or not had sex? it implies that sex is a bad thing. the opposite of innocence is guilty, lol.

    Because people who are unaware of or not had sex are supposed to be children, which are innocent.
  13. #13
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Dargo Morality.

    morality, just like racial supremacy ... is human construct.
  14. #14
    Originally posted by benny vader morality, just like racial supremacy … is human construct.

    By that logic nothing is wrong or right. FREE FOR ALL
  15. #15
    Every post in this thread so far has been utter retardation, besides dargo's posts.
  16. #16
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Dargo Because people who are unaware of or not had sex are supposed to be children, which are innocent.

    so if you were a 40 year old virgin then you'd be considered a child?

    i don't even get why sex is hidden from children. all those bullshit stories about storks and shit is retarded. people should just be straight with kids about human biology. its completely natural, its not a bad thing. wtf is the deal with that?

  17. #17
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by NARCassist why is the term 'innocence' applied to people who are unaware of or not had sex? it implies that sex is a bad thing. the opposite of innocence is guilty, lol.


    Our social mythos around sex is a story about sin. I'm sure you know no small part of the culture of sex is of deviance. "naughty" is a term that means guilt with has become a synonym for "sexy" in our language. Further it's an open secret in our society that sex is a political game: bawdy conversation in private deals with the ways we commoditize sex. The near universal 1-10 system of rating women is something you discuss hushedly with confidants.

    Innocence is preclusion from that tradition of guilt. Is innocent sex possible? Sure, if you're far enough removed from social norms that the color of forbiddance isn't one sex I guess, but in reality no one falls into this category. You might think the culture is wrong on this point, but it requires loss of innocence to have that doubt in the first place. "Sex" is a bad thing in the same way smoking and drinking are: it really does kill you but at some point you're allowed to dig your own grave because, uhh, I guess the rest of us did so why not?
  18. #18
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Lanny "Sex" is a bad thing in the same way smoking and drinking are: it really does kill you but at some point you're allowed to dig your own grave because, uhh, I guess the rest of us did so why not?

    that is fucking retarded.

  19. #19
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i have this theory that the reason sex is considered naughty or evil is due to the fact that in times past the church was the center of communities and they would also function as advice centers for the community, being because the holy men were better educated and connected. i think at one time, due to the problems of unwanted pregnancies and STDs and lack of treatments and effective birth control, they started to advise people to only have sex within marriage. i think over generations this was misconstrued, because it was the church giving the advise, to be in some way unholy, wrong or evil.

  20. #20
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    anyway, i'm off to go meet that dirty little slut. see you guys later

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