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lsd wears a neckbeard at all times to disguise his hideous facial features

  1. #21
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
  2. #22
    the floys
  3. #23
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Kill yourself faggot.
  4. #24
    I shave my head to hide the fact I'm balding at a young age.
  5. #25
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix I shave my head to hide the fact I'm balding at a young age.

    I just wear a hat but to each his own.
  6. #26
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by just one more mongol your parents want you to die

    You're a poverty worm with a brain damaged mom
    At least my mom is sentient
  7. #27
    you're literally sterile will extra chromosomes and a low IQ tranny (worse than being a nigger objectively) faggot who's going to die within 1 year and no one will care. people with kleinfelters and marfans and autism objectively deserve to be euthanized at birth. it's not like you won't be homeless sucking dick for benzedrex you ugly fucking loser
  8. #28
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by just one more mongol you're literally sterile will extra chromosomes and a low IQ tranny (worse than being a nigger objectively) faggot who's going to die within 1 year and no one will care. people with kleinfelters and marfans and autism objectively deserve to be euthanized at birth. it's not like you won't be homeless sucking dick for benzedrex you ugly fucking loser

    Y u so obsessed with me
  9. #29
    because im going to flood your PI on every site on the internet if i dont get my focalin
  10. #30
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by just one more mongol you're literally sterile will extra chromosomes and a low IQ tranny (worse than being a nigger objectively) faggot who's going to die within 1 year and no one will care. people with kleinfelters and marfans and autism objectively deserve to be euthanized at birth. it's not like you won't be homeless sucking dick for benzedrex you ugly fucking loser

    You get so mad at me you give me an ultimatum to remain "friends" even though we both know the only thing we have in common is drugs but you come back crying to me via fb message because you just can't stay away. You've admitted the only reason you call me retarded is out of anger, I even alluded to my possible low iq once and you said there's no way it's true.

    You're the perfect example of the dunning Krueger effect
  11. #31
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by just one more mongol because im going to flood your PI on every site on the internet if i dont get my focalin

    I'll get your mom deported and your dad will lose his job.
  12. #32
    Originally posted by Dissociator You get so mad at me you give me an ultimatum to remain "friends" even though we both know the only thing we have in common is drugs but you come back crying to me via fb message because you just can't stay away. You've admitted the only reason you call me retarded is out of anger, I even alluded to my possible low iq once and you said there's no way it's true.

    You're the perfect example of the dunning Krueger effect

    i was trying to make you feel better about yourself like maybe you arent bad at everything and worthless you can still send me pills the universe and dimensions...and numbers and alternate realities man.......
  13. #33
    Originally posted by Dissociator I'll get your mom deported and your dad will lose his job.

  14. #34
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    I mean I have more info about you, your family, and people you associate yourself with so if you're willing to risk that don't get butthurt when the cops come knocking
  15. #35
    its not a crime to post someone's name you downs syndrome tier retard
  16. #36
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by just one more mongol its not a crime to post someone's name you downs syndrome tier retard

    lol that's not what I'm talking about
    Of course it's not

    The blackmailing and threats are a crime and that's just the tip of the iceberg
    I've said too much anyway
  17. #37
    you're a heroin dealer

    i make one call and you get raided

    trying being like "wahhhh he blackmailllled meeeeeee )=" then
  18. #38
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by just one more mongol i was trying to make you feel better about yourself like maybe you arent bad at everything and worthless you can still send me pills

    uhh…uh…like the universe and dimensions…and numbers and alternate realities man…….

    Originally posted by just one more mongol you're a heroin dealer

  19. #39
    oh no i said too much!!!

    anyways if you're willing to risk this over a few of the pills your parents give you so you can die faster, that's your own retarded choice
  20. #40
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    your tactics are really fucking half assed
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