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Is my IQ 68 Guyanese friend worthy of trianglism?

  1. #1
    Notable quotes:

    *Is walking his dog when his dog pulls on the leash* "YO NIGGA"

    Me: "You ever been to jail before?" "Yeah yo I've been locked up mad times"

    *I give him 235mg of bundy for his first time and he smokes weed* "Yo I am fucking fried right now" "I've never been so fucked up in my life"

    "I've got learning problems I've smoked spice for like 3 years"

    "Do you think you can hack into the DMV?"

    "Yeah we'll blow a rabbit up with a sniper rifle"

    "Yo you think we should take the sniper rifle with us up the block"

    "Lets hit the bank"

    His friend asks him "Who are you? What are you?" "My name is Ace and I'm a gangsta"

    "I smoked spice and a ghost held me down"

    "Yo hide the crack pipe in the napkin and close the blinds"

    His mom says (he lives with his mom he's 38 but he pays the rent) "Yeah we're trying to get him on SSI......but I don't know what's wrong with him...."
  2. #2
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  3. #3
    Are you sure

    "Yeah yo I've been locked up mad times" is one of my favorite quotes ever.

    It's so simple but literally reflects all four facets (interpersonal manipulation, callous affect, antisocial lifestyle, antisocial behavior) of psychopathy at once in one sentence.
  4. #4
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Are you sure

    "Yeah yo I've been locked up mad times" is one of my favorite quotes ever.

    It's so simple but literally reflects all four facets (interpersonal manipulation, callous affect, antisocial lifestyle, antisocial behavior) of psychopathy at once in one sentence.

    I think you're reading too much into that. It just means he's a criminal, and not a very good one at that, who thinks going to jail is some type of badge that earns him respect.
  5. #5
    Yeah but you have to say it with complete cheerful indifference for it to work
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