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adult coloring books are the wave of the future

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    and will help lead to jobs where people can get jobs as tat artist.

  2. #2
    blackbird Tuskegee Airman
    I like coloring. I used to buy kid’s coloring books before they started selling those.
  3. #3
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    simple things please simple minds, as they say.

  4. #4
    Panthrax Tuskegee Airman
    i dont have any spoons or forks how am i gonna eat my ramen cup noodles?
  5. #5
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Panthrax i dont have any spoons or forks how am i gonna eat my ramen cup noodles?

    I would like to know your outcome.
  6. #6
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    break the noodles up into really small pieces(they break easy) before adding water then you can literally drink them. use extra water so its soup like consistency.

  7. #7
    Yeah adult colouring books are dope. I did some colouring when I wàs tripping on acid.
  8. #8
    Bill Krozby, if breathing wasn't an automatic process and you had to think about it, you'd suffocate
  9. #9
    Originally posted by NARCassist break the noodles up into really small pieces(they break easy) before adding water then you can literally drink them. use extra water so its soup like consistency.


    Don't use extra water but breaking them up small works.
  10. #10
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Use however much water you want. After the noodles are cooked literally drain almost all the "broth" out and pour the noods into your mouth. Thy don't even have to be broken up, assuming you have teeth with the capability of biting through a wet noodle.

    Little pieces of cardboard can be folded and used as a makeshift spoon of sorts, a little valley for the noodles to sit in.
  11. #11
    Originally posted by mmQ Use however much water you want. After the noodles are cooked literally drain almost all the "broth" out and pour the noods into your mouth. Thy don't even have to be broken up, assuming you have teeth with the capability of biting through a wet noodle.

    Little pieces of cardboard can be folded and used as a makeshift spoon of sorts, a little valley for the noodles to sit in.

    Wow, mmQ well versed in the hobo shit
  12. #12
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Use the "hoover" method. Roll up a piece of paper into a straw and suck up the noddles and broth with it.
  13. #13
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Wow, mmQ well versed in the hobo shit

  14. #14
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by mmQ Incarceration

    In jail once for a dwi I was in a cell where the light never went out at night like the other guys and it was driving me crazy so I made a paper mache' lamp shade and it turned the bright white light into a dimmed out red hue.

    the cops were pissed when they found out tho, and realized I tore up a bunch of "inmate handbooks" and threatened to charge we with destruction of property or some bs, but nothing happened. They also found out that one of my pill packs was empty even though I just got it a few days prior but I sold all the pills for food.

    That night I had a huge fucking boner and was about to spank it when the nurse came into my cell and was just staring at my pitched tent, gawking like a weirdo. I rolled on my side so it wasn't as obvious I had a huge boner and she sat down and talked to me about how I better not of given my pills away because I need them for my blood pressure or I might have a stroke.
  15. #15
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by reject Bill Krozby, if breathing wasn't an automatic process and you had to think about it, you'd suffocate

  16. #16
    bling bling Dark Matter
    can i make u some colouring pictures dougan

    and mail them 2 u

    and u can color them if u like
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