The nation is full of these people draining our Social Security Money and War Vets income This term was used nearly 15-20 years ago out here in California. "Welfare Queen" had 100,000 in the bank an received about 5000 total in rent and child care welfare and foodstamps turned EBS
those cards were never monitored and people were using them out of state in Hawaii on vacation.
It's huge in California. These people pay like 100 bucks to 300 bucks a month and get a 3200 dollar a month house in the far counties where you can get a 5 bed, 3 bath house for that kind of rent. these houses are like 3000 sq feet. their kids over 18 are not supposed to live in the house with parents yet they do. and a lot of them grow weed in the attic.
they even have swimming pools in the backyard but almost none of them know how to maintain them, growing green algae and creating mosquito breeding grounds. children after children have slipped in and died over the years all across the country because they cant find there way out of the pools.