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I'm getting better.

  1. #1
    Remember that thread I made where I said I was going to change? That was 20 days ago.

    Been to the gym every day since then (excluding rest days obviously) and have noticed great results already! They say after 3 weeks, you notice the difference. After 6 weeks, your friends notice the difference. Then after 12 weeks, everyone notices the difference.

    I actually went to the locker rooms mid-workout to take off my shirt and pose in front of the mirror, to check out my awesome pumped body like a typical gym faggot.

    I'm fuckin' happy. I've also been waking up earlier, eating better, and haven't been actively hating women as much. A girl at work waved to me and said hi, and instead of ignoring her, I said hi back! Don't get me wrong, I still think bitches ain't shit. I am still looking forward to rejecting and hurting women like I did with that previous girl who I bailed on the date with, because every time I think back to that it makes me feel good. But other than that, I feel no need to ACTIVELY show hatred to every women I encounter like I used to.
  2. #2
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    If only there were a way for you to work on your mind/personality as well as your body.
  3. #3
    If only there were a way for you to work on your mind/personality as well as your body.

    I've also been doing lots of drugs?

    What do you think needs improving about my personality?
  4. #4
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    I think you're fine if you're happy the way you are. You're the one saying you could be better. When you are complaining about your life to us, it's usually about odd behavioral problems not about your physical body. Drugs are great tools if you want to see outside your usual box, change your perspective, but if you really want to be a better person you have to change who you are now.
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I've also been doing lots of drugs?

    What do you think needs improving about my personality?

    I don't know... have you been doing a lot of drugs? dumbass...
  6. #6
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    We're all just so fucking proud of you.

  7. #7
    It's so good to hear it!
  8. #8
    Keep it up or you will become a faggot again you fucking fag.
  9. #9
    bling bling Dark Matter
    roidhead cuck XD
  10. #10
    does money not make you happy.
  11. #11
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    It's cool that your working out and feel good, but I'd rather spend my time going outdoors during the summer months and seeing crazy animals out in the woods and looking over the edges of cliffs and getting lost high, rather than at a gym. I spend some time occasionally lifting free weights at home while watching some TV program I downloaded, but that's usually during winter months.

    Have you considered taking up physical activities/sports that take you to new places?
  12. #12
    It's cool that your working out and feel good, but I'd rather spend my time going outdoors during the summer months and seeing crazy animals out in the woods and looking over the edges of cliffs and getting lost high, rather than at a gym. I spend some time occasionally lifting free weights at home while watching some TV program I downloaded, but that's usually during winter months.

    Have you considered taking up physical activities/sports that take you to new places?

    I haven't, but I did go to a friend's house the other day, and he lives in a mansion overlooking the woods. I just sat on the cliff in his backyard staring at it all for ages and it was amazing as fuck, and I wasn't even high. So I could see myself actually going out there.
  13. #13
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    How old are you enter?
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